Tuya Zigbee humidity sensor with LCD display

I have a couple of the sensors w/o the display and they seem to play fine with my V2 hub.
Has anyone tried the sensor with the LCD display?

Sensor with LCD on eBay

Emylo sensor on Amazon

I have one working fine with “Zigbee temp humidity sensor MC” :grin:

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I have noticed also this one with illuminance:

Smart Home LCD Electronic Digital Temperature Sensor Humidity Meter Cable Indoor Outdoor Brightness Thermometer Hygrometer 2021

Anyone else tried it or has fingerprint?

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The temperature and humidity work, but the brightness doesn’t.

Can someone help?

I bought several such devices for Tuya and some work with problems on different drivers, others do not work at all. Unfortunately, it is not an ideal solution. I recently bought a TUYA hub to connect the purchased devices with it and then through integration, but this also does not work, unfortunately, as the devices appeared in ST, they are still unavailable.

I do but I’ve just started having problems with it. It used to report temperature changes every time it got two or three degrees hotter or colder, now it only reports temperature at one minute after midnight every day. Not really doing it for me. I posted a request for help but haven’t heard a thing from anyone else experiencing the same problem. I wish it had a DTH so I could look at it and edit the polling time.

I have this mounted to the ST network via the Smart Life app.