Tuya (smart)app integration

It is up to the device manufacturer which devices and features they include in their integration. Smartthings has published its API, so it is available for any partner to use. So at this point as @KenW48360 mentioned, you should get in touch with the company that makes your device and ask them to improve the smartthings integration.

Meanwhile, what most people have done, as you will see if you check the forum for this issue, is to create “tap to run“ scenes in the Tuya app. Most of these will show up in the smartthings app. It’s only a partial integration, but it can be useful. Here are the instructions for that method. However, you will now create the virtual switches differently than in the old architecture, you won’t be using the IDE anymore. If you need information on that, let us know.

FAQ: How does TuyaSmart Integration work? (Groovy virtual switch version)

In the future, once Tuya has released its Matter bridge, we may get much simpler, better integration through matter. But that’s not here yet.