Tuya Smart Account Linking weirdness


I have MiBoxer LED lights which I have added to my Smartthings setup, essentially it is a Tuya Smart integration but branded when doing it as MiBoxer, this works perfectly!

I have recently purchased Timeguard WiFi bulb adapters (model WFLH) which operate via the Tuya Smart app.

The issue occurs when I try to link the Tuya Smart account for these non-MiBoxer lights but the app states the account is already linked?? On investigation only the MiBoxer lights show.

Any way to link multiple brands Tuya operate in SmartThings?

1] Start by installing all you devices on a single Tuya based app. You can use the SmartLife or Tuya apps. Regardless of the app you choose use the SmartLife integration in SmartThings it seems to work better for some reason.

2] Kept in mind that many Tuya based products don’t have a SmartThings integration. To check, once the device is installed in the Tuya or SmartLife app open the device tile, click on 3 dots or pencil in upper right. One the next page it will show 3rd party integrations. Usually Alexa, Google, and sometimes SmartThings.

3] If there is no SmartThings integration you can use the following work around in many cases.

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Thank you, what an awesome community in here!

I followed your steps and had to go down the create scene route linked to a virtual switch.

The next step is to link this to an Aqara motion and light sensor and Aqara mini switch and all will be good.


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