I have Weather Station Tile setup and this piston running, well I have two, one to turn the lights on and one to turn them back off.
Basic Piston
Local Weather illuminance is less than or equal to 475lux
Time is between Sunrise and Sunset
Turn On Outside Lights Switch
Send push notification
Then I have another one to turn the lights off if brighter than 475 lux
Basic Piston
Local Weather illuminance is greater than 475lux
Time is between Sunrise and Sunset
Turn Off Outside Lights Switch
Send push notification
Does that look correct, or is there a better way to do it?
The time, can I use Sunrise and Sunset though instead of a certain time? I have a SmartApp that already turns my outside light switch on at Sunset and off at sunrise and I don’t want it to mess with that.
Just installed webCore, trying to figure it all out. I’m new to CoRE with in the past week too haha