Turn on zwave switch, delay 5 seconds change hue color to xxx and dim to 20%?

I have searched for this for a while but I have a slight unorthodox setup for my Philips Hue lights. They are canned lights and controlled via a zwave switch. Once it is on for 2-3 seconds it can easily be controlled (color wise) via the hue app.

What I am trying to do is the following:

  • Trigger Logitech Activity Called Movie Night
  • Turn on the zwave switch
  • delay for 5 seconds
  • set color of hue lights to blue
  • dim hue lights to 20%

Has anyone had any experience with this?

CoRE is made specifically for stuff like this.

I cannot seem to fine the actual github link to CoRE? Do you by chance have it? Thanks for the heads up about this too. :slight_smile:

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Try this…

There is a peer assistance thread for core in the forums – – you can get help from many people there. A piston is what core calls a rule.

And here’s The official author’s thread:

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I got it working and automating using CoRE. Thanks for the point in the direction @JDRoberts and @destructure00