Hi folks. I’ve been interested in smartthings for a while but not taken the plunge yet. Also, just so you are aware, my electrical knowledge is very limited. I have no experience of handling any home electronics apart from wiring a plug. So I find this a bit daunting tbh. I’m not stupid, I just don’t have the experience yet. But I can learn as long as things aren’t glossed over.
Currently I have a few LIFX bulbs and the arlo pro 2 with 3 cameras.
The first thing I am looking to achieve is to have the outside lights, which are at the front of my house, come on and go off on a timing schedule, say between 7pm and 10pm, and also be triggered by movement provided by the arlo cam (hard wired). Motion detection would occur after 10pm after the timed lighting period had ended, through till morning.
Currently we have one outside lamp which is totally dumb. Purchased from screwfix. It is operated by a standard 3 gang light switch in the hall.
I intend to purchase 2 more of these outside lights from screwfix, and place them either side of my garage door. They would have to be wired in to the garage and receive power from in there. There’s no way I’m prepared to chase the wires in to the hall. It would make a big job and a right mess!
So Ideally I would have the functionality mentioned above, and also have the current outside light and the two additional outside lights triggered by the switch in the hall.
My best guess would be to add the two new light fittings and wire them in to a blank box with a fibaro or sonoff switch.
Add a fibaro or sonoff switch to the 3 gang light switch in the hall (I’m guessing on the switch that controls the outside light) and then some other smartthings logic/wizardry…
I am concerned about what affect sticking to a standard light switch would have one the whole system as I have a wife and a 2 year old daughter who like to press light switches and I can imagine that this would cause no end of problems if the switch in the hall wasn’t left on at all times?
Thank you to anybody who takes the time to read this, let alone give me advice.