Thermostats in ST

I’m new to SmartThings, and really sorry if this question has been answered already, however, I couldn’t find a recent good answer.

To keep my house warm during winter, I use electric radiators. All radiators are connected to Shelly switches to control them remotely. This setup is working fine. Additionally, I have a Ruuvi temperature sensor in every room. Both switches and sensors are visible in SmartThings, I can switch radiators on/off and I can read temperature values. My question: What would be the best/easy way to create thermostats in SmartThings? I would like to be able to control the temperature in each room separately.

Do you have SmartThings or Aeotec Hub?

Hi @Controller , it doesn’t matter if you have a smartthings or aeotec hub for what you want to do.

For automated controls I’d use routines, but for a thermostat to show the sensor state and radiator/state, as well as to control devices, you’ll need to develop some sort of virtual thermostat device. It’s been a while for me and I’ve not been active in this community for a while, but I’m not sure if something like that already exists from another community member.

Tagging @jkp and @JDRoberts to see if they may know.

If you use a Hub v2 or v3 and the temperature sensors are zigbee or zwave you could use the drivers Zigbee Temp Sensor and Child Thermostat Mc or Z-Wave Sensor and Child Thermostat Mc.

With these drivers you can create virtual thermostats that can control the radiator switches with routines.

I have been using them to control automatically the heating and cooling of my house for more than 3 years with sonoff temperature sensors.

This is the user manual for the thermostat, you can download pdf file to see it easy

My hub is Samsung SmartThings Station.

My temp sensors are neither zigbee nor zwave, they are bluetooth RuuviTags which connect to a Ruuvi Gateway Router which writes the sensor data to an MQTT server. The temperature devices in ST are created using ‘MQTT Devices V1.9’.

Does this driver work with my setup?

You can try to use @TAustin virtual thermostat.

I have no experience with using a virtual thermostat.

I can help you connect your measurements to the virtual thermostat using the Rules API rule(s).

No, it only works for zigbee or zwave devices, you would have to use the driver that @TapioX tells you.

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Here are the instructions for reading the temperature measurement to the thermostat.

Here is a sample Rules API routine:

    "every": {
      "interval": {
        "value": {
          "integer": 5
        "unit": "Minute"
      "actions": [
          "command": {
            "devices": [
              "ID virtual thermostat device"
            "commands": [
                "component": "main",
                "capability": "partyvoice23922.vtempset",
                "command": "setvTemp",
                "arguments": [
                    "device": {
                      "devices": [
                        "ID temperature measurement device"
                      "component": "main",
                      "capability": "temperatureMeasurement",
                      "attribute": "temperature"

With this model, the rule can be added using Advanced Users

Thank you very much for your excellent support.

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