I currently own a CT100 Thermostat and like to use the SmartTiles app.
I know that SmartTiles will let you change the set-point temperatures, but at this time it does not have a method of switching the modes or the fan though the dashboard, I created an app that lets me use Virtual Switches to control the fan mode [fanOn/fanAuto] and each of the thermostat mode [HEAT/COOL/AUTO/OFF].
Currently you will need to create 4 virtual switches; one switch for the fan and three more switches for HEAT/COOL/AUTO] modes.
I also set up the app so that the switches will reflect the state of the actual thermostat. For example you switch the fan mode to fanAuto through the virtual switch on the dashboard, but then change it to fanOn from the device on the phone APP or physically change it on the thermostat, the virtual switch will change to reflect the current state. There is a short lag between cross events, but so far it has been about a second at most.
Also with mode switching, if you turn the active mode from COOL to HEAT, the COOL switches to OFF and the Heating switch activated.
I have setup separate push notification for the fan mode switching and the thermostat mode switching, and you to turn either one on/off. I just added an appTouch command on the app to show the state of the fan and the current thermostat mode via a push notification. This is always on
I have been using this app version for a about a month. and have not run into any issues. Originally I was using two separate apps, one for Thermo-Mode and another for Thermo-Fan. I was using that for about a month before combining them.
Since I only have the CT100 Thermostat I limited the app for the modes I have. This app will only use one thermostat, instead of the multiple option. Although you would need to create multiple virtual switches you should be able to create a version of the app for each thermostat you have. Also there nothing stopping you from reusing the same switches for each version of the app for place with multiple units if one desires.
Another side benefit is mode switching [HEAT/COOL/AUTO/OFF]. The SmartThings phone app for the device has one button to switch modes. For me the lag between switches meant that I sometimes got impatient and press one to many and missed my intended mode.
Another may be the use of IFTTT for those with thermostats without any IFTTT integration.
Feedback/suggestions are welcome, though I am not a groovy expert by any stretch of the imagination. I have posted it on my GitHub site for any one that is interested.
This is what my thermo-dash section looks like in SmartTiles.