I am having the same issue, I can play music but can’t get the text to speech to work. I have tried multiple things and can’t seem to get it working.
Same here. Samsung R1 speaker. Talking alarm clock doesnt seem to give me anything and the Sonos weather gives me a error java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot get property ‘txt_forecast’ on null object @ line 409 in the live log. It doesnt seem to like UK postal codes
I got Sonos weather working a single time at a set time but nothing since. Frustrating!
Are these issues all for the samsung speakers?
FYI - I have an R1 and have had no issues with Sonos Weather. I have not tried Talking Alarm Clock.
I just released a new version of the talking alarm clock and would be interested in you testing it with the Samsung speakers…right now it does a logic test and puts a warning on the screen if you are not using Sonos; however, I don’t have those speakers so I am curious if it would actually works.
Please see here: [RELEASE] Sonos Talking Alarm Clock
I just installed Talking Alarm Clock and it is not working with my Samsung R1. I have version 1.4.5. PM me if you want to troubleshoot it with me. There is nothing in Live Logging.
Just noticed this in my Samsung speaker log in ST Live logging…
error org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; lineNumber: 1; columnNumber: 1; Content is not allowed in prolog. @ line 604
Not sure what it means but just in case…
not getting any sound but debug message in live log has no errors just debug message with this
debug Summary message = The following is a summary of the alarm settings. The alarm named Test, set for 10:40 PM, is enabled.
Hmmm…I am using the API call “Playtrack(uri)” to call the URL created by the TTS routine. Are you able to use the ST Notify app or any other app that does work successfully with TTS on the Samsungs?
Same question as above…do any of the TTS apps that ST provides work? If so I can reverse engineer them and figure out a solution that will work well for both speakers…
Speaker Notify with Sound, Speaker Weather Forecast, and Rule Machine all work. I did some more testing. If I only have an announcement play I get nothing and nothing shows in the logs. If I include a switch action the action works but no sound through the speaker.
I sent you a PM with the log output.
Probably this is not the best place, but, just two things,
First i like to say “thank you” @MichaelS for the great app, Talking Alarm Clock App, works great (using SONOS Play 1 )
Second, using the “speaker notify with sound”, i like to play a message when i arrive home.
The problem when using the trigger “Arrival of” (using my phone) , plays the message but i’m still out side of the house (what is normal) .
Because this app don’t have conditions ( like Arrival of, and Motion Here, then…), what solutions do i have, to play the message just one time?
Thank you.
Somewhere there is an app that’s called Sonos delayed notify with sound @chuckles and it works very well. Try using the search function to find. It was a while ago…
Thank you for the info,
I have found it, and that was i need it.
But the app is gone, at least is not in the templates, going to try and find it, on github.
Rule Machine!
I had this same issue and switched to RM and it works like a champ!
The best way to do it is with a virtual switch and 2 simple rules in RM. The first rule set the switch to on when your presence is detected. The second, with true action play the message on motion or contact when you come in the house.
You may be able to use private Boolean instead of a virtual switch. First rule sets the second rule’s Boolean. Wherever you would turn the virtual switch back, is the same place you’d reset the Boolean. Saves needing a virtual switch.
Bruce is so right, I forgot I did this rule a long time ago, before RM supported the Private Boolean. This is how I changed it.
Presence Rule LJ - This will be your master rule. You will set the private boolean to true in all the other rules that you want to control. For example, you could have a Rule to speak a different message based on conditions.
Condition : Presence
Action True : set Private Boolean to true in all the rules you need to;
Action False : set Private Boolean to false in all the rules you need to; (when you leave)
Thanks for the info guys, i will try to use RM.