Sylvania Smart Plug— is it a repeater?

Can anyone confirm that this is a repeater? It is not advertised as a repeater in the box or Sylvania website.

I like these because they are the least expensive plug I’ve found and seem to work great.


There are two types of these plugs. They have the same model number but one of them ends with a -A. I can’t speak for the -A and some people have reported issues with it repeating the xiaomi devices but I have experience with the model that doesn’t have the -A and it repeats and works. I have also been able to map out my zigbee network with them and see devices routing through them.

Below is a link to a post where I referenced this.

So I ordered 4 off Amazon and they are all 72922-A.

Amazon states 72922 without the A.

Someone asked the question on Amazon if it’s a repeater and someone responded with this -

“All Zigbee devices in API mode will follow the 802.15.4 standard and form a mesh network so they will act as a repeater and pass a signal destined for another zigbee device”.

I’m pretty confused at this point.

Both should be a repeater. I just know from the various threads that the -A will have issues repeating if you are using the xiaomi devices. I only have the non -A devices so I can confirm they repeat.

If you are trying to route other devices they should work.

See this post. It was said by Sylvania that the plug from Amazon this community member bought was not a repeater. He replaced with a different plug and all worked.

It’s optional and left up to the manufacturer whether the individual zigbee device will be a repeater or not. If it is a repeater, then it has to conform to the rules, but it doesn’t have to be a repeater.

For example, hardwired smoke alarms are not usually repeaters because you don’t want to miss a fire alert because the device was busy passing along a message for some light switch somewhere. There are other reasons for exceptions as well, such as the Sengled element bulb.

This is why I will typically say that most mains powered devices will act as repeaters. But not all.

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Yup… that is why I can’t say for sure if the -A model is a router.

I can confirm that the non -A model is a router. I have 4 of them currently setup and have mapped out my zigbee network and can see that they are routing my zigbee devices.

That being said, it seems like everyone that orders from amazon has gotten the -A model. I went to a local store and verified the model number before purchasing mine and I guess I got lucky.

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Which store did you get yours from?

I’m in Canada. Its a store called Canadian Tire.

Okay so is there a way to know for sure whether the Sylvania 72922-A repeats or not?

Seriously, I am getting really frustrated because it seems like I am getting so many different pieces of advice for everything.

I’ve been told that this model doesn’t repeat and that the 72922 does. How can I confirm this?

With all the links that have been given to me to educate myself on the subject, I am under the assumption that anything that plugs in or is hardwired that is Zigbee, is indeed a Zigbee repeater with the exception of smoke alarms.

So how do I know if it is a repeater or not?

The other community member with a Sylvania plug emailed Sylvania and asked them. That might be worth a try.

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I meant is there a way to know from my system that it is repeating or not?

I find that even company staff don’t know correct answers at times.

The only way I know how to tell is to get an xbee. There are threads on here and in the hubitat forums about them. With an xbee you can create a map of your zigbee network and know for sure what devices are being routed and where. You can also use the xbee as a router itself.


I know it’s a lot to keep up with, but I never said that all hardwired zigbee devices are repeaters. I said most are, but it’s up to the individual manufacturer. And I gave as an example Smoke alarms, which typically are not repeaters, and also the Sengled element bulbs.

With zigbee, the only way to be absolutely sure is to contact the manufacturer and ask. Or, as @GavinCampbell Suggested, you can buy an additional device and map your zigbee network.

With Z wave, you can look up the official conformance statement for any certified device:

I really appreciate everything. I wasn’t frustrated with you or your advice at all. Just frustrated that the manufacturers aren’t clear with what their product actually does.

It seems that there is a lot of resourcefulness and diligence that goes into home automation that I was unaware of. You have to really seek truth!

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That’s true of smartthings, but that’s because of the openness and the versatility of the platform.

With most DIY home automation, when you choose the hub you only have a choice of about a dozen devices, all of which are officially supported to work with that particular hub. So you don’t run into all of this craziness. If it’s not on the list, you don’t use it.

SmartThings Is unusual in the number of different devices that you can add, and in particular in allowing customers to do their own custom device type handlers. But that does mean you have to do a lot of your own research as well.

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It does. I have one of these and just mapped out my zigbee network. I see that it has one of my Smartthings Multisensors attached to it.

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You have the 72922-A, not the 72922 correct?

Awesome, thank you!

Now I can rest easy since I purchased 6 of these.

I thought it was weird that people were saying they don’t repeat because they are the only zigbee devices I have and they respond faster than my Zwave devices all with repeaters which I have tons of.