The CO2 pro meter is recognized by Smartthings but I only have the temperature, the CO2 value is not present.
(Le meter pro CO2 est reconnu par Smartthings mais j’ai seulement la température la valeur en CO2 n’est pas présente.)
The CO2 pro meter is recognized by Smartthings but I only have the temperature, the CO2 value is not present.
(Le meter pro CO2 est reconnu par Smartthings mais j’ai seulement la température la valeur en CO2 n’est pas présente.)
Cloud to cloud integrations are maintained by the product vendor. Need to contact Switchbot support.
He doesn’t say whether he’s using the c2c connection or Matter. Their Matter integration only supports temperature and humidity for the meter pro. Not sure what the c2c integration supports.
Since the Meter Pro is BLE and not Wi-Fi or Thread, wouldn’t it be Matter bridged into ST and then still on Switchbot for what is exposed?
I have the same issue. Not clear if Matter doesn’t support CO2 yet or the ST Edge driver does not accommodate CO2.
There are profiles that include a CO2 sensor capability, but it depends on what deviceTypeId(s) the device is reporting for its endpoint(s). You can check that by using the community developed ST API Browser+. You’ll find that in the Details for the device. Post results here.
It’s on switchbot’s side. Matter has supported CO2 since Matter 1.2 and I have the same problem with Home Assistant using the Matter bridge integration.
Possibly, but ST’s handling of multi-endpoint devices is clunky and rigid. If the device has multiple endpoints, there must be a statically defined fingerprint that either matches all the endpoint deviceTypeIds or one that matches the vendorId and productId to map to a profile that contains all the capabilities.
There is currently no specific fingerprint for the Switchbot device in the matter-sensor driver. There is also no generic fingerprint that includes both a temp sensor deviceTypeId and CO2 sensor deviceTypeId. Therefore, if the first endpoint of the Switchbot device identifies as the temp sensor, it will match the temp sensor profile and not expose the CO2 sensor endpoint/capability. That’s why I asked the OP to check the endpoints in the API Browser+.
Didn’t need all that. Need the details of the device from the API Browser+ that look like this:
Details for device "Smart Color Night Light"
Key Value
Name thirdreality-smartcolor-nightlight
Mfg Name SmartThingsCommunity
Mfg Code ThirdReality
Model Smart Color Night Light
ocf Type oic.d.light
Category Light
Room Guest Bedroom
Presentation ID ddb7734f-eea5-3510-b99b-934b02c950fd
Parent ID 37a17c82-dfd0-4d9e-9b5d-cebc6e482acf
Parent Name SmartThings Hub - FamilyHub
Driver ID 7103039b-68d6-442c-afe5-e1bc955924a9
Driver Name Matter Switch
Hub ID 37a17c82-dfd0-4d9e-9b5d-cebc6e482acf
Provisioning State NONFUNCTIONAL
Network ID AC6B13A8FDB5BC40-3A488CFD92CEF368
Location Execution yes
Unique ID 33DB99EE95BF6E44
Vendor ID 0x1407
Product ID 0x1088
Listening Type ALWAYS
Supported NW Interfaces WIFI
Version { "hardware": 1, "hardwareLabel": "ver_0.1", "software": 31, "softwareLabel": "v1.00.31" }
Endpoints [{"endpointId":0x00,"deviceTypes":[{"deviceTypeId":0x16}]},{"endpointId":0x01,"deviceTypes":[{"deviceTypeId":0x10D}]},{"endpointId":0x02,"deviceTypes":[{"deviceTypeId":0x106}]},{"endpointId":0x03,"deviceTypes":[{"deviceTypeId":0x107}]}]
The most important part is the last line that is labeled “Endpoints”. That tells us what device capabilities it exposes.
These are the endpoints details for my sensor which is not reporting CO2 (I think)"
The actual sensor device indication only includes C2C info:
I’ve also got one phantom device that is listed as “hub mini” and reports garbage data (the actual hub mini is in another room and shows the correct bridged devices).
The profile of the device being c2c-humidity and the type being VIPER suggests to me this is not a Matter device but instead is a Cloud->Cloud integration, not Matter over Wi-Fi or Thread.
Even if it were a Matter device, 0x0013 is a bridged node, but 0x0302 is a temperature sensor and 0x0307 is a humidity sensor. No indication from the device that it’s a CO2 sensor.
What is confusing as for three devices (one hub, oner exterior sensor and one interior combo sensor that includes the CO2 and a display) I have 5 different “devices”. Here is another entry for the sensor that seems more clearly matter:: [{“endpointId”:0x02,“deviceTypes”:[{“deviceTypeId”:0x13},{“deviceTypeId”:0x302},{“deviceTypeId”:0x307}]}]
As I said I’m my previous post: