We wanted to let you know that we haven’t received any new updates from SwitchBot regarding this issue. It might be a good idea to reach out to SwitchBot directly to see if they can provide an expedited response or resolution for this matter.
I was told by Nayleyz that SB and ST started working on this so wanted to check the status on where we are. As I mentioned in my previous message, SB closed the ticket so don’t know what the status exactly is .
Hi, @Subramanian_Swaminat.
Indeed, the ST team contacted SB to check this issue, but as my teammate mentioned above, they have not responded. If you open a new ticket with them asking for an update, they might continue working on the solution. It’s not something ST can do alone; we need SB’s collaboration.
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Just tested this after receiving an update in the hub and it looks like this is working now but there is a delay in updating the status (may be 10 or 15 seconds for me). Can someone else test this and feedback please?