Sunrise/Sunset feature stopped working - Samsung won't respond

According to Smart Lights Automation with SmartThings
I’m supposed to " Touch Smart Lights > New Lighting A utomation , and then follow the on-screen prompts to create the new lighting automation."

But there is no option available named “Smart Lights”?

If you do not see Smart Lights then it is not available in your region and you should use the automation builder in the app. Is there a reason that does not suffice?

I’m in Sweden, using a Hub v2 US. But it worked just fine with the classic app?
The only smart apps available are “SmartThings Home Monitor” and “SmartThings Clothing Care”.
As for Automation builder, there is no option for sunrise/sunset. Only time, device status, member location, weather and security mode.

Edit - Found the sunrise/sunset under time now. WIll try that.