Sunrise and Sunset times are way off for my location

why? I just had a missfire with routines?

It looks like users are reporting better results for sunset/sunrise in Routines. But give smart lighting a try

thanks ! never had issues with routine, except today. but trying Smart lighting (small l) to see. i’ll report if it is worse. thanks again.

I said earlier that I’ve used Smart Lighting and Smart lighting to turn on lights at sunset for around 4 years.

Forgot that I had moved all my Smart lighting automations to Routines except for those involving syncing lights or motion-controlled lights.

So my sunset lights are turned on via a Routine.

Interesting… I’d thought recently my outside lights seemed to be coming on whilst it was still light and staying on in the morning after sunrise also.

I’ve looked at the time one comes on (linked to sunrise) and it’s been 7:18 every day for the last week, which obviously isn’t right.

Looks like what people are saying here are true - the new Smart Lighting has set the sunrise and sunset times when they were migrated and not updating each day.

Clearly a bug that will be hopefully fixed… but until then looks like Routines are the way to go.

I’ve been using Smart Lighting \ lighting since day 1 on both and never had a problem. Someone mentioned issues during daylight savings and I sort of remember something but I think it worked itself out. I have my porch light and garage carriage lights turned on and I don’t use scenes. Both are Zwave I think lutron and neither has been converted to Edge. Yet.

Lutron is using the new architecture. :slight_smile:

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Yes, I know. I’m waiting for them to be converted by Smartthings. Along with some others.

Lutron shouldn’t need to be converted. If IDE shows placeholder… then it is set. There is no Edge Driver so there would be no Driver to appear in the Device in the ST app if that is what you are looking for? It is a Linked service and linked services do not have that Driver option.

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They are not using Edge drivers.

then what do you mean by “converted”?

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We can play a game of semantics if you want. But I’m sure you know what I’m talking about. While the entire Smartthings environment is being migrated to the Edge driver platform, and it’s fair to say if you have a hub that it is being slowly migrated to the Edge platform, the individual devices are converted to using Edge drivers.

and I was trying to say Lutron does not get migrated to Edge Drivers


Nobody is playing games, I, too was/am unclear what you’re asking for. Or not sure you’re understanding what others are saying.

Devices that are individually controlled by your hub are being migrated from DTHs to Edge drivers. Instances of DTHs maybe ran on the hub, maybe ran in the Groovy cloud. Edge drivers always run on the hub.

But not all devices are individual controlled by the hub. Many brands of devices are controlled by brand-specific cloud-based infrastructure. For example, I have three Honeywell WiFi thermostats that are controlled by the Honeywell/Resideo infrastructure.

For most of this type of device, there is a defined cloud-to-cloud connection that is part of the new architecture. It in no way involves Edge drivers. So, again for example, my Honeywell thermostats are connected to SmartThings via a cloud-to cloud connection. They won’t be “migrated to Edge drivers” but they are converted to the new architecture and are not dependent on the Groovy cloud.


On the flip side, I have an issue with this where my sunrise/sunset times appear to be off and I’m not using IDE and I am, however, already using the Routines Automations* tab of the SmartThings app (on iPadOS). In fact, the routine is entirely local (at least it has the icon to indicate this).

My guess is it might relate to the fact that I moved north from SF to Portland, where sunrise/sunset times are significantly different particularly as we enter summer solstice. I came here wondering where it was getting the location from to run this routine.

I just went into the settings (gear icon) and saw the “Get your location from this tablet” option which for some reason had my old address still setup in it. I’ve updated that to contain my current address in the hopes that it’ll fix my particular issue. Note that I don’t need/care about location detection if I come/go, really just interested in it knowing the location of the hub (not me specifically). :crossed_fingers:

p.s. @LeeGen6, where in the app did you go to take that screenshot? I’d love to be able to confirm what the SmartThings hub thinks my time zone is and sunrise/sunset times are. :thinking:

That screenshot was actually from the IDE, not the app. Which I assume why it was so far off, no longer being updated.

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The ST CLI will show you the location ID associated with your hub and then you can look at the info about that location which includes longitude/latitude and the timezone associated with the hub.

bep@debian10:~$ st devices 80 -j
    "deviceId": "2ca01359-7f67-469e-9887-172e72b0423f",
    "name": "SmartThings Hub",
    "label": "SmartThings Hub",
    "manufacturerName": "SmartThings",
    "presentationId": "SmartThings-smartthings-hub",
    "locationId": "b355f7f5-7de9-4294-883d-d31b6c96b166",
    "roomId": "873f5f82-9b16-4cd6-aa63-cab6842c9c92",
    "sharedLocations": [],
    "components": [
            "id": "main",
            "label": "main",
            "capabilities": [
                    "id": "bridge",
                    "version": 1
            "categories": [
                    "name": "Hub",
                    "categoryType": "manufacturer"
bep@debian10:~$ st locations 1 -j
    "locationId": "b355f7f5-7de9-4294-883d-d31b6c96b166",
    "name": "Home",
    "countryCode": "USA",
    "latitude": XX.30397,
    "longitude": -YYY.90077,
    "regionRadius": 150,
    "temperatureScale": "F",
    "timeZoneId": "America/Los_Angeles",
    "locale": "en",
    "backgroundImage": null,
    "additionalProperties": {},
    "allowed": null,
    "parent": {
        "type": "ACCOUNT",
        "id": "c0da6863-f1a3-454d-aef6-05ef6b5bff4c"
    "created": 1533338871000,
    "lastModified": 1666997757685
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I don’t know a way of finding out what the hub’s current info on that is, but the sunrise/sunset times for your Location can be pulled from the API on the URL{{locationId}}/capabilities?name=weather

Subject to a suitable bearer authentication of course.

Update: I accidentally left the ‘s’ out of ‘https’.

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This was perfect, thanks! Super awesome and instant feedback, I appreciate it. I think it’s up-to-date now, then. So will double check later today to see if the lights are on too early again or not (since I made the change yesterday) just to confirm. Looks like it’s showing the coords directly on top of my house.

FWIW, for me the JSON output -j flag isn’t necessary, it’s already nicely formatted (at least if you’re using the CLI directly and not piping it into something else for processing, like JavaScript). I like this better :sweat_smile:

patnelson@compy386 ~/smartthings
$ ./smartthings locations 1
 Name               My home
 Location Id        abc123ab-c123-abc1-23ab-000000000000
 Country Code       USA
 Time Zone Id       America/Los_Angeles
 Background Image
 Latitude           45.51498617
 Longitude          -122.67886289
 Region Radius      250
 Temperature Scale  F
 Locale             en-US