Added support for the Zigbee Third Reality Smart Button model 3RSB22BZ. This device supports pressed, double pressed and held button actions.
If you’re interested in trying it (consider it in beta just like the rest of the Edge drivers), please sign up here:
The driver is a amalgamation of the stock Edge Zigbee Button drivers with support for the Third Reality button device added alongside. I will continue to update against the base driver from ST and release as needed.
Its likely due to the Zigbee button issues others are having over the last day or two. Its all over this forum.
My dev unit (paired weeks ago when I worked on this driver) was marked as “ONLINE” but no longer responded in any way. I re-paired it and it works fine. My development hub is running firmware 45.00009.
Do you have all 3 actions on your button? I’ve been using this driver since I got my buttons and it’s been perfect, but recently they all stopped working. I’ve tried pairing them again using this driver and also the new one that came out last week, and I can’t get it to register anything other than a single press. I never had this issue before and it’s driving me nuts!
Ooh I didn’t even know Amazon Echo mode was a thing! It blinks blue and red in pairing. I have a 4th gen Echo and an Aeotec hub if that makes a difference
Its in “Echo mode”. Press and hold the pairing button AND the action button for 5 seconds to switch back to regular mode. It will blink only in blue when pairing normally.
Note that i spent a few minutes looking into seeing if the driver could support both modes, but the device ONLY sends pressed events. There must be another sequence needed to unlock pressed2x and hold when in echo mode but I didn’t have time to do a packet trace when connected to an Echo.
Omg THANK YOU!! It worked immediately! That explains why some of my buttons still worked and others didn’t when they’re all on the same driver. I thought I was losing it lol. I appreciate the help!