[ST Edge] •• Tasmota Edge •• for Sonoff, Tuya & many other ESP WiFi & HTTP devices - over 2000 Tasmota supported devices

My mistake, I see now that I add contact sensors and then in the settings I change it to motion sensor. Sorry for the confusion.

ive just found that too lol

@hongtat Would you consider adding Alarm as a device type for switch (relay)?

This would be an output, so any state other than OFF (i.e. Siren+Strobe) for the device would change the switch to ON. You could implement it similar to the contact switch / motion sensor where it can be selected.

I also don’t see a way to trigger momentary relay, such as power1 3 from the app, although I can do this using post or other methods it would be nice if everything was handled in your driver.

Great to see such great progress on this integration. I’ve been using your older Tasmota Connect for a couple of years now and it’s great.

I wanted to move to Edge, but it doesn’t seem to have an option for a new Shade / Blind which is what I use it for, am I missing something ? Is it hidden somewhere else or renamed ?

I was wondering as well about the devices. I have about 15 blinds which are virtual devices, but there’s only 1 actual hardware device which is the WIFI / RF bridge transmitter so do I need to licence it or not ? To be fair considering it’s so cheap I will anyhow considering how much I’ve used it and rely on it now, but just wondering if it’s virtual and real devices that count towards the licence or just hardware only ?

Also, I’m guessing I’m not going to be able to test it really without removing all my devices from the old version first since I’ll also need to remove the RF transmitter from the old one before putting it into the new version… guess I just have to take a leap of faith, it’s just a lot of work as I needed to put in all of the actual RF ID’s for each movement for each blind times 15 …

Thanks for continuing to support the Smartthings community …it’s really appreciated by me and I’m sure plenty of others.

I’ll take a look on the alarm.
It doesn’t support toggle yet. I’ll check.

Virtual shade is not yet supported. Virtual devices are not counted towards license device limit. 1 RF bridge with 15 virtual devices, is considered as 1 device in the license count.

Ahhh OK that’s a shame. I would like to contribute anyhow since i’ve been using the old version and would like to use the new version once it does support blinds…how can I contribute ?

I added the driver to my hub.
My ST app shows that I have version 2022-10-28T15…
I can reach the Tasmota device (12.2) via the IP address.
But I can’t add any devices to the hub. In my ST App when I go to add device, the scan never finds anything. what am I doing wrong here?

When you scan it should automatically find the driver (not the devices), if not, the driver was not correctly installed to your hub from the channel link.

Once you have the Tasmota Edge driver in the app, you use that to create the devices as needed and enter the IP address for them.

I just deleted the driver from the hub via the ST App.
rebooted it, went to the channel and reinstalled the driver.
rebooted the hub again, and still when I run the scan, nothing is found.
Hub is running ver 000.045.00011
IP subnet is 192.168.1.x

It sounds like the hub is not scanning, do you see the lights change or do you have the CLI to check the driver is installed?

I have the same hub version and subnet so that isn’t the problem.

The green light starts to blink when I run the scan. I’m not familiar with the CLI to check the hub. do you have some tips?

I installed the CLI program on my computer but can’t find what I need to do to check if the edge driver is installed correctly.

smartthings edge:drivers:installed

You should see something like this:
Driver Id: 86d761b1-e962-4756-a9b2-edab02b8567d
Name: Tasmota Edge
Version: 2022-10-28T15:18:15.609339683
Channel Id: e74fd832-373d-4ac4-bebf-d37c486fc89c
Developer: 9bd7421e-ddb6-661b-b345-2708dc38aa36

4 Tasmota Edge 86d761b1-e962-4756-a9b2-edab02b8567d 2022-10-28T15:18:15.609339683 e74fd832-373d-4ac4-bebf-d37c486fc89c

I get the above. looks to be the same as yours.
hmm what else could i try to get this to work?
thanks for your help

It sounds like hub isn’t running discovery, I think the LED should flash red/green but not sure. Do you see it do anything like that when you click scan in the app?

In my experience it immediately says the driver was added and can be found in the “no room assigned”.

when i start scanning, the light starts blinking green.

could it be because I have konnected synced with my ST app?

I had konnected on in parallel, that didn’t cause any problem.

Try installing a different Edge driver, if you don’t have TAustin’s virtual device creator that’s a must have and will let you see if the hub is scanning.

No issues adding Virtual devices from TAustin’s drivers…
hmmm so something with Tasomta Edge drivers that my hub doesn’t like.
I uninstalled Tasomta driver and unenrolled from the channel and re-added and still not working.

Virtual shade is on my to-do.

Please contribute via this PayPal link , and DM (or email hello@awfullysmart.com) your Hub ID to get the key to unlock unlimited Tasmota devices.

I just tried and it works fine for me.

Someone reported the similar issue with other driver too, so you might want to try again few days later.

Do you have more than 50 drivers installed?