I only have the SmartThings Drivers (Beta), AwfullySmart Drivers, and the TAustin Shared Projects drivers. Counted less than 20 total. gst suggested I installed the TAustin drivers when I couldn’t get the Tasmota Edge drivers to work. When I installed the TAustin drivers, the devices were picked up right away when I did the scan. Not so much luck with yours.
I been trying for a few days now. any other suggestions? I would like to move all my konnected boards to Tasmota with local support. thank you!
hi after you installed the driver and did a scan you should have found the tasmota edge , click on it select device to create after a few seconds a new device should apear in no room assigned . click on it settings fill in just the ip address of the tasmota device and it should work , hope this helps
yah… it doesn’t work for the Tasmota Edge driver. After installing it the scan doesn’t pick it up. I didn’t have any issues adding the devices from TAustin’s drivers tho. So something is not right with my HUB and Tasmota Edge Drivers. Is there a log file I can see to see what’s happening?
wow… this is interesting
the logcat with the device ID returns and error. like it can’t find it. But when I ran the command to see what is installed it is listed. Also the last command I ran with logcat and with a device ID, it doesn’t list the Tasmota Edge driver… hmmmm
C:\Users\Kennyg>smartthings edge:drivers:logcat 86d761b1-e962-4756-a9b2-edab02b8567d
? Enter hub IP address with optionally appended port number:
connecting… failed
» Error: Unexpected error from event source Event { type: ‘error’, status: 404, message: ‘Not Found’ }
C:\Users\Kennyg>smartthings edge:drivers:logcat
? Enter hub IP address with optionally appended port number:
Driver Id Name
1 e67c842f-49a5-4083-95f0-c8137ae3c2f6 Edge Counter Utility V1
2 e8a1a0b7-32e4-4882-8d38-45a96ead543d LAN Motion Device Driver
3 b973fd1e-52a8-4bcf-a2b8-1f3f5216891f Online Status Monitor V1g
4 0fd9a9a4-8863-4a83-97a7-5a288ff0f5a6 Virtual Devices V2
5 206918b4-c049-4225-91db-808b943b8041 Virtual Energy Meter
6 d462e24c-97dc-42d0-b843-59f85c7d9346 WLED Driver
7 f2e891c6-00cc-446c-9192-8ebda63d9898 Zigbee Switch
? Select a driver. all
connecting… connected
2022-11-10T02:36:08.737647370+00:00 WARN LAN Motion Device Driver Valid Bridge server address not configured
2022-11-10T02:36:08.744178703+00:00 ERROR LAN Motion Device Driver Registration with Bridge Server failed for LAN Motion Device
2022-11-10T02:36:08.752315036+00:00 INFO LAN Motion Device Driver Scheduling registration retry
2022-11-10T02:36:08.799684036+00:00 DEBUG LAN Motion Device Driver driver device thread event handled
2022-11-10T02:36:08.808542370+00:00 DEBUG LAN Motion Device Driver driver device thread event handled
2022-11-10T02:36:26.166058870+00:00 TRACE Virtual Devices V2 Received event with handler discovery
2022-11-10T02:36:26.228340662+00:00 TRACE WLED Driver Received event with handler discovery
2022-11-10T02:36:26.231240444+00:00 TRACE Edge Counter Utility V1 Received event with handler discovery
@KennyG - Although I’m unable to reproduce your issue, I have pushed a new update. This update doesn’t attempt to fix your issue. I’m just hoping the new version would fix it. Could you try reboot your ST hub, and scan for new devices again?
no luck.
rebooted and ran a scan but didn’t find anything.
I then uninstalled the driver, rebooted, reinstalled the driver, scan. didn’t find it.
The version showing up in my ST App is 2022-11-09T15:13:55.068814665
@nayelyz - Would you be able to assist @KennyG with this please? Thanks.
He has the driver installed, but Add device / Scan for nearby device is not able to find and install the device.
I’m unable to reproduce the problem, I believe it’s probably his ST hub / platform / firmware issue.
Create virtual devices to control other devices on your local area network (LAN) via HTTP GET & POST requests to the specified HTTP endpoint destination.
Configure the HTTP Request (Method, URL, Port, Headers, Body) via the Web Gateway.
Web Gateway URL can be found inside the Tasmota Edge Device.
The Gateway address changes frequently, make sure you get the latest Gateway address from Tasmota Edge device. For example, it is (screenshot below); access it on your browser.
Do note: SmartThings Edge Platform limits communications to IP addresses on local area network (LAN) only. It cannot communicate with devices on the Internet.
HTTP Switch - Perform HTTP GET / POST request for ON & OFF commands to HTTP Endpoints
HTTP Button - Perform HTTP GET / POST request for button toggle command to HTTP Endpoints
Update will automatically be pushed and installed to your hub. Version: 2022.11.1
This is really interesting. I have been using the web requestor by @TAustin which provides similar functionality (virtual devices with post/get capability) to control buzzer and other tasks (run a rule, relay toggle) not supported by your driver but now it seems everything can be done with this single driver - excellent job!
Did anything change with the driver since later in the day yesterday?
I managed to start testing the HTTP command functionality yesterday morning but then the web gateway became inaccessible (“ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT”) since and it is still the case. Anyone experiencing the same?
Ok, rebooted hub from the IDE portal and upon refreshing, it updated the gateway port to something different. So it is accessible again. Curious as of whether this was the result of a periodical internal process in the hub.
Yes. The Gateway address changes frequently, make sure you get the latest Gateway address from Tasmota Edge device. It’s not necessary to reboot the hub, rebooting it will get a different port.
This is mainly for non-Tasmota devices that have a web interface to control the device.
For example, to turn on/off the device, you have to access
So you can create a HTTP device (switch/button/etc) to control it via HTTP calls in SmartThings ; when you on/off switch in SmartThings, it will trigger the HTTP calls to the device to control it.
The HTTP device is also a virtual device. So you can create routine/automations with virtual device or mirror status with another device.