I’m currently attempting to use the Sonos (Connect) SmartApp to discover the Sonos Playbar. My Playbar is connected by wire and I have setup a static IP for both the Sonos Playbar and the SmartThings Hub.
In the log for the Sonos (connect) app I get the following command.
debug Executing lan discovery urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:ZonePlayer:1 on Home Hub via sendHubCommand
This will continuously loop and will never find the Playbar. After about 5 minutes of this, the SmartThings Hub will send me a message that it is no longer active.
trace cp desc: Your SmartThings Hub ‘Home Hub’ appears to be inactive. Please check your internet connection.
I have to close out the Sonos (Connect) app in order for the SmartThings Hub to become active again.
No one has experienced this problem before? I’m new to the SmartThings community, but I don’t believe that I would be the first to have this type of issue.
I have only Sonos as an attempted locally networked device.
Checking my Hub with the Developer tools it says Firmware Version 000.011.00603, however the app is saying that my Hub is “Up to Date”. I have not tried contacting support. Which support are you referring to? Sonos or SmartThings?
I do have a switch between the Sonos and router. I even have a PowerLine adapter between that. So my router is in one room and that connects to a PowerLine adapter. In the living room the PowerLine adapter connects to the switch. The Sonos then connects to that switch.
I went ahead and tried to connect the Sonos directly to the PowerLine adapter and still nothing. I also messed with NAT filtering and IGMP Proxy settings on the router to no avail.
I had a problem with my SmartThings hub connecting to any of my Sonos speakers, I tried loads of things before eventually trying a different router.
As soon as I configured the Sonos and SmartThings hub on the new router everything began to work. So I started investigating what the problem was and it turned out to be an issue with the UPNP on my router (Draytek Vigor 2830n).
The router had the wifi security set to Mixed mode and the channel set to 20/40. This seemed to interfere with the Sonos speakers and caused the UPNP to reset continuously. You could see this from a UPNP tester I had installed on my PC.
So to resolve the problem I changed the wifi security to WPA/PSK and the channel to 20 straight away everything worked as the UPNP wasn’t rebooting constantly.
This may of may not help anyone but it has worked for me. If you don’t have a clue about any of this the next option is to buy a new router and test it for yourself.
@Scyssion did you solve your issue with ST recognizing the playbar?
@stuartmallan is channel bandwidth definitely required to be 20 for ST to see Sonos devices?
It would be helpful if you both could share your knowledge on this thread below. I’m trying to create a definitive list of network requirements for Sonos. thx!:
I had the same issue with playbar and surround sound setup. I went through Sonos support and Smartthings support, neither were that great.
I also don’t have 20Mhz channel bandwidth on my router so can’t comment on that, but I did a factory reset on my playbar and surrounds (and sub) I then added them back to Sonos, then finally was able to discover them.
I am confused between the Sonos playbase and playbar. My brother is asking for the Sonos. Suggest me which one to buy him. He is 19 years old. He wants to add this to his Xbox setup. Here are some resources I read recently.