I just purchased a Sonos One , play 3 sub and playbar. while all equipment works perfectly none seem to be found by smartthings . So far I have tried :
1- Static IP
2- Reboots of all equipment
3- Tried to find through add things and marketplace
4- Waited 30 min for the find to complete multiple times
Note that I can through Alexa get to smartthings so turn on lights etc… but smartthings app can’t seem to find sonos so unable to automate any trigger based process
It cant be that I’m the only one facing this problem ! I just upgraded the routers firmware factory reset it and tried … same old problem … No sonos on the horizon
really need your help here. can’t figure it out… is there anything I should do on the speakers. my smartthings can’t find them . pretty much impossible .
How do you have the Sonos connected to the network? Via a bridge, hard wire, or via WiFi? All of this works via broadcast and/or multicast announcements. If anything in the network is blocking those announcements, it won’t work.
Is the laptop connected to the network via wired or wireless? I am trying to establish if there is challenges with the Sonos broadcast announcements being forwarded properly between your WiFi and wired portions of your network. We need to prove that a wired device can see and manage the Sonos.
The sonos is discovered by all devices I have wirelessly, Even the lutron hub can see the sonos but smartthings cant’ even when I check the logs of smartthings none of the speakers is appearing on the logs. As if they don’t exist .
I have also connected on the the sonos speakers wired to the router, still negative results,
Not sure if this will help but my Sonos was not discovered by SmartThings for many months. Then, as soon as I added a TP Link WiFi Adapter and Extender plug, the sonos speaker was discovered when ‘adding a Thing’ in SmartThings. I can only conclude that it requires a stronger WiFi signal for SmartThings to detect it…