Solaredge Device Type?

[quote=“Brtcali, post:60, topic:30950”]
[/quote]You’ve got an error either in your site id or your API key. If I go to that URL, I get a 403 error. If I plug in my site ID and key, it works.

I highly suggest people also sign up for It’s a free service for monitoring PV systems created by some folks in AU. For SolarEdge systems, it can poll the SE systems directly. Thus, it’s also a good way to validate you have the correct Site ID and API Key.

This is my system. One of the nice features is that it lets you compare your generation with other nearby installations. It makes me happy that my SolarEdge optimizers seem to get about 8% better generation than systems around me. :smile:

One nice feature (if you donate) the Android app has a nice widget showing live generation.


I reached out to SolarEdge and they provided another API_KEY. They say that everytime they go into generate or look at the API_KEY for my site ID that the key resets to something different. But even with this new API key I am still getting the same error on the URL via a web browser. Can you share your API_KEY and site id so that I can get back to them that another combination of Site ID/API_KEY is working and that something must be wrong with mine.
I won’t share your info with anyone and will destroy it after I test. You can email it directly to me if that is better at

Thanks @jlv for the tip. Just added my site to their pool so will be curious to see how I rank. Right now of course winter in Colorado not such great outputs and well half my system faces to the east. Now come summer time though this system will start to really rock and roll.

I got mine working! My solar installer gave me a different API key. So turns out the SolarEdge provided the incorrect key and my solar installer gave me the correct one. But now I am up an operational and see data. Thanks everyone for your help!

I’m now using Rule Machine to poll the SolarEdge device. I set up a rule with a periodic trigger of 15 minutes and then put a restriction on that to only run between sunrise and sunset. Finally, using an “expert” feature, I added a custom command to call refresh() on the SolarEdge. The result is a rule that refreshes the SolarEdge device every 15 minutes during the daylight hours.


Heck of an idea there @jlv I just copied your rule and set mine up as well. Thanks for the tip since I’ve had issues in the past with pollster where it would stop refreshing for some reason. @bravenel really did an amazing job with the rule machine.

So @Toy4Rick showed me the app for his solar system that he has (not solaredge) and that thing looks killer. I’m waiting to hear back from him if he can share the code that he’s using and I’ll see if there is a way that we can put this to work for us.

I am no coder by anymeans but I can like @djtucker hack around and see what I can do.

Hey @ahndee, @Toy4Rick showed me the amazing device type that you wrote for your solar data. Would you mind helping us SolarEdge folks out with an equally amazing device?

Sure could help - the code for my DTH is on Github.

What it boils down to is the question what API is available (local LAN or otherwise) - any documentation for that?

There is an api and its out on the interwebs

There nice little guide is here

Here is a sample of what it pulls back

{"overview":{"lastUpdateTime":"2016-05-24 07:05:34","lifeTimeData":{"energy":2.5694564E7,"revenue":2312.511},"lastYearData":{"energy":3778763.2},"lastMonthData":{"energy":821685.2},"lastDayData":{"energy":1643.591},"currentPower":{"power":2334.0},"measuredBy":"INVERTER"}}

Let me know what you think.

While the data is somewhat different (last month & last year instead of last 7 days) it should be fairly straightforward to adapt my driver to this - I’ll see whether I can take a stab at this.

A few questions:

• Is there an example system available that can be used for testing?
• Is this a string- or micro-inverter type of system (for the settings)?
• What are the units in the returned JSON (W & Wh?)
• Is lastDayData the energy for the current day or the last 24h?

The API seems to allow to query the system parameters but I guess manually entering some numbers might be easier (and is a one-time affair only).

Thanks to @TheFuzz4 allowing me access to a system for testing I was able to adapt my Envoy device for the SolarEdge. Since I don’t have a SolarEdge system I can only provide limited support for this but I hope it will be useful!

 *	SolarEdge Solar System
 *	Copyright 2016 Andreas Amann
 *	Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
 *	in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
 *	Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed
 *	on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
 *	for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

def version() {
	return "0.1.0 (20160525)\n© 2016 Andreas Amann"

preferences {
	input("confSiteID", "number", title: "Site ID", required: true, displayDuringSetup: true)
	input("confApiKey", "text", title: "API Key (get this from your Solar PV installer)", required: true, displayDuringSetup: true)
	input(title: "", description: "Total System Size (W)\n\nRated maximum power in Watts for the system", type: "paragraph", element: "paragraph", displayDuringSetup: true)
	input("confSystemSize", "number", title:"", required: true, displayDuringSetup: true)
	input(title:"", description: "Version: ${version()}", type: "paragraph", element: "paragraph")

metadata {
	definition (name: "SolarEdge", namespace: "aamann", author: "Andreas Amann") {
		capability "Power Meter"
		capability "Energy Meter"
		capability "Refresh"
		capability "Polling"

		attribute "energy_str", "string"
		attribute "energy_yesterday", "string"
		attribute "energy_lastMonth", "string"
		attribute "energy_lastYear", "string"
		attribute "energy_life", "string"
		attribute "power_details", "string"
		attribute "efficiency", "string"
		attribute "efficiency_yesterday", "string"
		attribute "efficiency_lastMonth", "string"
		attribute "efficiency_lastYear", "string"

	simulator {
		// TODO: define status and reply messages here

	tiles(scale: 2) {
		// this tile is used for display in device list (to get correct colorization)
			"device.power") {
					label: '${currentValue}W',
					unit: "W",
					icon: "",
					backgroundColors: [
						[value: 0, color: "#bc2323"],
						[value: 3000, color: "#1e9cbb"],
						[value: 6000, color: "#90d2a7"]
		// this tile is used only to provide an icon in the recent events list
			"") {
					label: '${currentValue}',
					unit: "kWh")
		// the following tiles are used for display in the device handler
			height:4) {
				tileAttribute("device.power", key: "PRIMARY_CONTROL") {
						label: '${currentValue}W',
						icon: "",
						unit: "W",
						backgroundColors: [
							[value: 0, color: "#bc2323"],
							[value: 3000, color: "#1e9cbb"],
							[value: 6000, color: "#90d2a7"]
			tileAttribute("device.power_details", key: "SECONDARY_CONTROL") {
					label: '${currentValue}')
			width: 2,
			height: 2) {
					label: "Today")
			width: 2,
			height: 2,
			decoration: "flat",
			wordWrap: false) {
					label: '${currentValue}')
			width: 2,
			height: 2) {
					label: '${currentValue}',
					backgroundColors: [
						[value: 0, color: "#bc2323"],
						[value: 2, color: "#d04e00"],
						[value: 4, color: "#f1d801"],
						[value: 5, color: "#90d2a7"],
						[value: 6, color: "#44b621"]
			width: 2,
			height: 2) {
					label: "Yesterday")
			width: 2,
			height: 2,
			decoration: "flat",
			wordWrap: false) {
					label: '${currentValue}')
			width: 2,
			height: 2) {
					label: '${currentValue}',
					backgroundColors: [
						[value: 0, color: "#bc2323"],
						[value: 2, color: "#d04e00"],
						[value: 4, color: "#f1d801"],
						[value: 5, color: "#90d2a7"],
						[value: 6, color: "#44b621"]
			width: 2,
			height: 2) {
					label: "Last Month")
			width: 2,
			height: 2,
			decoration: "flat",
			wordWrap: false) {
					label: '${currentValue}')
			width: 2,
			height: 2) {
					label: '${currentValue}',
					backgroundColors: [
						[value: 0, color: "#bc2323"],
						[value: 2, color: "#d04e00"],
						[value: 4, color: "#f1d801"],
						[value: 5, color: "#90d2a7"],
						[value: 6, color: "#44b621"]
			width: 2,
			height: 2) {
					label: "Last Year")
			width: 2,
			height: 2,
			decoration: "flat",
			wordWrap: false) {
					label: '${currentValue}')
			width: 2,
			height: 2) {
					label: '${currentValue}',
					backgroundColors: [
						[value: 0, color: "#bc2323"],
						[value: 2, color: "#d04e00"],
						[value: 4, color: "#f1d801"],
						[value: 5, color: "#90d2a7"],
						[value: 6, color: "#44b621"]
			width: 2,
			height: 2) {
					label: "Lifetime")
			width: 2,
			height: 2,
			decoration: "flat",
			wordWrap: false) {
					label: '${currentValue}')
			inactiveLabel: false,
			decoration: "flat",
			width: 2,
			height: 2) {
					label: "Refresh",
			action: "getGraphHTML",
			refreshInterval: 1,
			width: 6,
			height: 4,
			whitelist: [""])

		main "power"
		details(["SolarMulti", "graphHTML", "today", "energy_str", "efficiency", "yesterday", "energy_yesterday", "efficiency_yesterday", "lastMonth", "energy_lastMonth", "efficiency_lastMonth", "lastYear", "energy_lastYear", "efficiency_lastYear", "lifetime", "energy_life", "refresh"])

mappings {
	path("/getGraphHTML") {action: [GET: "getGraphHTML"]}

def poll() {

def refresh() {

def updated() {
	log.trace("$device.displayName updated with settings: ${settings.inspect()}")

def pullData() {
	log.debug "Requesting latest data from SolarEdge…"
	def cmd = "${settings.confSiteID}/overview?api_key=${settings.confApiKey}"
	httpGet(cmd) {resp ->
		def data =
		if (data == state.lastData) {
			log.debug "No new data"
			return null
		state.lastData = data
		log.debug "New data: ${data}"
		def energyToday = (
		def energyLastMonth = (
		def energyLastYear = (
		def energyLife = (
		def currentPower = data.overview.currentPower.power.toFloat()
		def todayDay = new Date().format("dd",location.timeZone)
		def powerTable = state.powerTable
		def energyTable = state.energyTable
		if (! || != todayDay) {
			state.peakpower = currentPower = todayDay
			state.powerTableYesterday = powerTable
			state.energyTableYesterday = energyTable
			powerTable = powerTable ? [] : null
			energyTable = energyTable ? [] : null
			state.lastPower = 0
			sendEvent(name: 'energy_yesterday', value: device.currentState("energy_str")?.value, displayed: false)
			sendEvent(name: 'efficiency_yesterday', value: device.currentState("efficiency")?.value, displayed: false)
		def previousPower = state.lastPower != null ? state.lastPower : currentPower
		def powerChange = currentPower - previousPower
		state.lastPower = currentPower
		if (state.peakpower <= currentPower) {
			state.peakpower = currentPower
			state.peakpercentage = (100*state.peakpower/settings.confSystemSize).toFloat()
		def events = []
		events << createEvent(name: 'power_details', value: ("(" + String.format("%+,d", powerChange.toInteger()) + "W) — Today's Peak: " + String.format("%,d", state.peakpower.toInteger()) + "W (" + String.format("%.1f", state.peakpercentage) + "%)"), displayed: false)
		events << createEvent(name: 'energy_lastMonth', value: String.format("%,#.3f", energyLastMonth) + "kWh", displayed: false)
		events << createEvent(name: 'energy_lastYear', value: String.format("%,#.3f", energyLastYear) + "MWh", displayed: false)
		events << createEvent(name: 'energy_life', value: String.format("%,#.3f", energyLife) + "MWh", displayed: false)
		def efficiencyToday = (1000*energyToday/settings.confSystemSize).toFloat()
		events << createEvent(name: 'efficiency', value: String.format("%#.3f", efficiencyToday) + "\nkWh/kW", displayed: false)
		def efficiencyLastMonth = (1000/30*energyLastMonth/settings.confSystemSize).toFloat()
		events << createEvent(name: 'efficiency_lastMonth', value: String.format("%#.3f", efficiencyLastMonth) + "\nkWh/kW", displayed: false)
		def efficiencyLastYear = (1000000/365*energyLastYear/settings.confSystemSize).toFloat()
		events << createEvent(name: 'efficiency_lastYear', value: String.format("%#.3f", efficiencyLastYear) + "\nkWh/kW", displayed: false)
		events << createEvent(name: 'energy_str', value: String.format("%,#.3f", energyToday) + "kWh", displayed: false)
		events << createEvent(name: 'energy', value: energyToday, unit: "kWh", descriptionText: "Energy is " + String.format("%,#.3f", energyToday) + "kWh\n(Efficiency: " + String.format("%#.3f", efficiencyToday) + "kWh/kW)")
		events << createEvent(name: 'power', value: currentPower, unit: "W", descriptionText: "Power is " + String.format("%,d", currentPower.toInteger()) + "W (" + String.format("%#.1f", 100*currentPower/settings.confSystemSize) + "%)\n(" + String.format("%+,d", powerChange.toInteger()) + "W since last reading)")
		// get power data for yesterday and today so we can create a graph
		if (state.powerTableYesterday == null || state.energyTableYesterday == null || powerTable == null || energyTable == null) {
			def startOfToday = timeToday("00:00", location.timeZone)
			if (state.powerTableYesterday == null || state.energyTableYesterday == null) {
				log.trace "Querying DB for yesterday's data…"
				def powerData = device.statesBetween("power", startOfToday - 1, startOfToday, [max: 288]) // 24h in 5min intervals should be more than sufficient…
				def energyData = device.statesBetween("energy", startOfToday - 1, startOfToday, [max: 288])
				def dataTable = []
				powerData.reverse().each() {
					dataTable.add(["H", location.timeZone),"m", location.timeZone),it.integerValue])
				state.powerTableYesterday = dataTable
				dataTable = []
				// we drop the first point after midnight (0 energy) in order to have the graph scale correctly
				energyData.reverse().drop(1).each() {
					dataTable.add(["H", location.timeZone),"m", location.timeZone),it.floatValue])
				state.energyTableYesterday = dataTable
			if (powerTable == null || energyTable == null) {
				log.trace "Querying DB for today's data…"
				def powerData = device.statesSince("power", startOfToday, [max: 288])
				def energyData = device.statesSince("energy", startOfToday, [max: 288])
				powerTable = []
				powerData.reverse().each() {
					powerTable.add(["H", location.timeZone),"m", location.timeZone),it.integerValue])
				energyTable = []
				energyData.reverse().drop(1).each() {
					energyTable.add(["H", location.timeZone),"m", location.timeZone),it.floatValue])
		// add latest power & energy readings for the graph
		if (currentPower > 0 || powerTable.size() != 0) {
			def newDate = new Date()
			powerTable.add([newDate.format("H", location.timeZone),newDate.format("m", location.timeZone),currentPower])
			energyTable.add([newDate.format("H", location.timeZone),newDate.format("m", location.timeZone),energyToday])
		state.powerTable = powerTable
		state.energyTable = energyTable
		events.each() {

String getDataString(Integer seriesIndex) {
	def dataString = ""
	def dataTable = []
	switch (seriesIndex) {
		case 1:
			dataTable = state.energyTableYesterday
		case 2:
			dataTable = state.powerTableYesterday
		case 3:
			dataTable = state.energyTable
		case 4:
			dataTable = state.powerTable
	dataTable.each() {
		def dataArray = [[it[0],it[1],0],null,null,null,null]
		dataArray[seriesIndex] = it[2]
		dataString += dataArray.toString() + ","
	return dataString

def parse(String message) {

def getStartTime() {
	def startTime = 24
	if (state.powerTable.size() > 0) {
		startTime = state.powerTable.min{it[0].toInteger()}[0].toInteger()
	if (state.powerTableYesterday.size() > 0) {
		startTime = Math.min(startTime, state.powerTableYesterday.min{it[0].toInteger()}[0].toInteger())
	return startTime

def getGraphHTML() {
	def html = """
		<!DOCTYPE html>
					<meta http-equiv="cache-control" content="max-age=0"/>
					<meta http-equiv="cache-control" content="no-cache"/>
					<meta http-equiv="expires" content="0"/>
					<meta http-equiv="expires" content="Tue, 01 Jan 1980 1:00:00 GMT"/>
					<meta http-equiv="pragma" content="no-cache"/>
					<meta name="viewport" content="width = device-width">
					<meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale = 1.0, user-scalable=no">
					<style type="text/css">body,div {margin:0;padding:0}</style>
					<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
					<script type="text/javascript">
						google.charts.load('current', {packages: ['corechart']});
						function drawGraph() {
							var data = new google.visualization.DataTable();
							data.addColumn('timeofday', 'time');
							data.addColumn('number', 'Energy (Yesterday)');
							data.addColumn('number', 'Power (Yesterday)');
							data.addColumn('number', 'Energy (Today)');
							data.addColumn('number', 'Power (Today)');
							var options = {
								fontName: 'San Francisco, Roboto, Arial',
								height: 240,
								hAxis: {
									format: 'H:mm',
									minValue: [${getStartTime()},0,0],
									slantedText: false
								series: {
									0: {targetAxisIndex: 1, color: '#FFC2C2', lineWidth: 1},
									1: {targetAxisIndex: 0, color: '#D1DFFF', lineWidth: 1},
									2: {targetAxisIndex: 1, color: '#FF0000'},
									3: {targetAxisIndex: 0, color: '#004CFF'}
								vAxes: {
									0: {
										title: 'Power (W)',
										format: 'decimal',
										textStyle: {color: '#004CFF'},
										titleTextStyle: {color: '#004CFF'}
									1: {
										title: 'Energy (kWh)',
										format: 'decimal',
										textStyle: {color: '#FF0000'},
										titleTextStyle: {color: '#FF0000'}
								legend: {
									position: 'none'
								chartArea: {
									width: '72%',
									height: '85%'
							var chart = new google.visualization.AreaChart(document.getElementById('chart_div'));
							chart.draw(data, options);
					<div id="chart_div"></div>
	render contentType: "text/html", data: html, status: 200

No screen shots but it looks pretty much identical to what I have for the Envoy (screen shots on that Github page).


Can’t wait to try this, looks gorgeous.

@bridaus let us know how your testing goes. My solar edge is apparently on a only phone home in the morning issue at the moment that I’m trying to figure out.

Does this need an external poller?

Yes (e.g., Pollster)

Looks great @ahndee!! Awesome job

1 Like

I used to use RuleMachine but now I use CoRE and I have a simple piston setup like this

IF Time is between sunris and sunset
Trigger happens every 15 minutes
THEN Using SolarEdge

That way I’m not refreshing it all through the night. Once the sun goes down for the day we’re more or less done producing anyways.

1 Like

Seems to be working just fine for me! Any chance you could add it to your github?