i just looked at what I have working and its a bit odd
http://USERNAME:PASSWORD@IPADDRESS:PORT/mjpg/video.mjpg is exactly what i have in smart tiles under generic mjpeg video stream.
i open up smart tiles in chrome i see all the tiles but the video stream tile is grey with little broken picture in the corner.
I open a new tab and type this in the new tab it instantly prompts me for a user and password i type in my user name and pass wait for it to load so i can see the stream.
i switch back to the tab with smarttiles and i can see the stream working
keep in mind i have a different camera model.
so if you open smarttiles do you see the video stream tile that is broken ?
then you open another tab and load the camera webpage and see a working video stream?
you go back to the smarttiles tab and video stream is still broken?
I also was wondering if you need to enable a different stream in foscam camera settings. if it tries to load the main stream vs say the mobile stream i am not sure what would happen. im going to go look at the manual for your camera because i cant remember what the settings are
I would go get the ipcam tool from foscam and see if it shows a port you dont know about since it looks like it defaults to 443 or 88