Hello. New guy here.
I was given an Echo for Christmas. While researching this gizmo and trying to find out what I could do with it, I discovered Smartthings. So I bought a starter kit and began installing Things. Next I added an in-wall outlet… pretty cool stuff.
Most recently, I started looking for an IP camera. I ended up getting a D-Link DCS-2132L which turned into a major headache. I tried several times to set it up according to the D-Link instructions, but the setup wizard could never find my camera. Almost at my wits end, I came across instructions to set up the camera in the Smartthings app. So I opened up the Smartthings app and drilled down through the menus to where I soon was “connecting” the camera.
Poof! It works! I can see my dog’s crate on the Smartthings app.
But then I thought… observing the streaming content over my phone will really eat into my 2GBs/month. So I began looking for a desktop solution. That’s when I found out about SmartTiles.click.
I installed SmartTiles and soon was looking at my Dashboard in my desktop browser. Great… but where’s the tile for the video stream? Currently when I go to SmartApps->SmartTiles[1]->Things->Cameras it says “No Available Options”.
So that’s where I’m at. Figured maybe by digging around in these forums I might find out how to add the video stream to my Dashboard. It might take me a little bit to get up to speed but maybe I can learn enough to help someone else out later down the line.