@tgauchat I said in my other post that there were a few issues I had with SmartTiles. I’d like your input on some of them.
Grouping of related tiles into either columns or boxes. As one big group of tiles it all blends together and can be difficult to find a specific item.
Adding blank separators (in lieu of grouping)
Probably the most difficult would be the ability to drag and drop tiles from one spot to another to rearrange instead of having to drag and drop on the phone
There isn’t a lot to the app itself other than the interface so in my opinion making it easier (if even possible) to see where things are through grouping or separators would make a huge difference and actually would make me more likely to continue using it. Otherwise it’s just a clump of tiles, which are all important to me, that I have to search through when I’m trying to find something.
(ActionTiles.com co-founder Terry @ActionTiles; GitHub: @cosmicpuppy)
Already a working feature in V6 (containers of tiles to help keep them grouped).
Already in V5.7 (current version). See “Add Blank Tile” in Preferences.
Common request, but difficult to implement so it’s deferred. V6 has better config screens (all through the web, no preferences in SmartApp), but the Live Dashboard screen is completely different than the build & layout framework. Maybe @625alex will think of a way to make them more equivalent, but layout is a complex activity that happens much less often than interacting with a dashboard.
I just set up my Dashboard today, and I would LOVE to be able to group them.
A lot of the things I bought when I first got into this smart home stuff was smart bulbs cause I was scared of messing with wiring. So there are a lot of places in the house where smart bulbs are used instead of smart light switches. So it would be nice to group them and not have to figure out some sort of “slave lights, master virtual device, smart app, dim with me” sort of thing cause I always have problems with that set up.
A couple of feature questions - not sure if these are already available or new requests.
On motion Tiles, can it show date/time of last motion detected? That would be useful for a number of use cases - for me, I place a motion sensor inside our dog food bin, this records when we last fed the hounds x3. Have that working with the excellent Ask Alexa app and Echo. But would love to give something a quick glance to see if they’ve been fed in our busy household.
Notification Ticker - similar to above, could we feed all ST notifications to an active news ticker that scrolls across the bottom of the various dashboards. Would be handy to see status for so many devices.