When the widget came out, it was GREAT!
I have 62 scenes we use regularly to control the house.
Earlier this year, the Widget became UNSORTED. This made it very difficult to use.
I tried to get support help - they kept asking me for another App Log… We exchanged several messages from the start of July 2024 to the end of August 2024. It went nowhere.
Today, I found all the entries in the widget were shrunk rendering it completely useless.
I tried calling Samsung and the calls got bounced with a fast busy. I tried the Chat.
The email address for support is long gone. How can I get help?
Any suggestions welcome!
Thank you
I’ve had the same problem. Using a Pixel 6 with Android 15. See image below. I tried recreating the widget, but it seemed to require that I select a scene one at a time. I didn’t try very long because I don’t use the widget much, but I don’t think it’s an improvement. I’ll try again someday to see if I can modify it.