Smartthings Widget on Android was great, then bad, now useless - help getting support please?

When the widget came out, it was GREAT!
I have 62 scenes we use regularly to control the house.

Earlier this year, the Widget became UNSORTED. This made it very difficult to use.
I tried to get support help - they kept asking me for another App Log… We exchanged several messages from the start of July 2024 to the end of August 2024. It went nowhere.

Today, I found all the entries in the widget were shrunk rendering it completely useless.
I tried calling Samsung and the calls got bounced with a fast busy. I tried the Chat.
The email address for support is long gone. How can I get help?
Any suggestions welcome!
Thank you

Android it iOS?

On my Android phone they seem reasonably sized.

Thanks, Bruce,
This is on my Pixel 6 and my wife’s Pixel 8. My Pixel Tablet is normal width, but unsorted still.

I’ve had the same problem. Using a Pixel 6 with Android 15. See image below. I tried recreating the widget, but it seemed to require that I select a scene one at a time. I didn’t try very long because I don’t use the widget much, but I don’t think it’s an improvement. I’ll try again someday to see if I can modify it.

And 1x1 seem to be the only widget options on my phone.

how can we get support on this? What is the best way today to do this?

My widgets on Android 14 are totally different

My Pixel 6a phone just updated to Android 15 and the SmartThings widgets were ruined.

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That’s probably the culprit.