just purchased my first smartthings device and I’m feeling very overwhelmed. before I return this thing and get another Vera controller, i’m giving this a shot.
Previously I had my Vera Controller connected usb/serial to my alarm system via the ad2usb interface adapter. Worked great to send the keypad codes and instructions to arm disarm etc. Setup was simple with Vera with the ademco plugin.
My Vera Controller decided to brick itself last week and I decided I wanted to try something new [regretting this now : ( ]
Can someone please let me know if this connection sequence is going to be possible:
Thanks for the Input Ryan, I did search the forum and this was the most likely solution for my connection issue. Amazing and detailed writeup, I would not want to discredit the authors.
Unfortunately I do not want to spend $100+ in hardware and spend hours of my time assembling and programing this unit. If it comes with a usb port, it should have the functionality of a usb port imo.
I will be returning the hub and purchasing another Vera unit, and then have the Vera techs install and customize everything I want at 3am because they offer client support 24/7 365.
Total spent for Vera and ad2usb $200 and watching them on remote session while I drink beer. Or $200+ with smarthings and hardware while i pull my hair out after the 10th hour… Easy choice.