This post is partially out of boredom, looking for something to talk about. LOL.
So I’ve been personally using a v2 SmartThings hub for probably about 4-5 years. Whenever the v2 hub came out, that’s when I started using it. And I’ve been relatively happy with very little issues.
But I’ve only ever used my hub in a small apartment and now in a small house. I realize that for zigbee, other wall powered devices can serve as a repeater to build the mesh network, so that plays a big factor as well.
The point of the post is…my Dad owns a restaurant, it’s been in our family since the 60’s. He likes to do things the old way, and that’s fine. But there are certain things I think would make his life a little easier if I were to help introduce him to some smart devices.
Some examples…he’s constantly calling in to make sure his walk in / table fridges are within the safe temperature range. He also has a problem with the employees forgetting to turn on the open sign, and some times other things, like the jukebox, video games, etc.
I was thinking, maybe I could buy him a smartthings hub, and get some sensors, smart outlets/bulbs and such set up for him.
How many of you are using SmartThings for your business? And would you recommend it?
I think it would be a fun project for me, but I don’t want to create a headache for my Dad.
With my home setup, it’s usually a work in progress…occasionally bulbs disconnect, batteries need to be replaced at least yearly, etc. So I don’t know if I want this so I can help my Dad, or if I’m biased because I would be excited to set this up for him.
Curious of your thoughts.