SmartThings - Unifi Wifi Presence Sensor

Hi there,

I’m looking for a way of connecting the UniFi Controller to SmartThings. My hardware is the following:

  • cloud key
  • USG
  • switch
  • smartthings hub

I want my presence to be controlled by the unifi controller monitoring when my phone connects and disconnects. Is there a way to set that up?

I would be very interested in something like this also.

Homeassistant had a component that does this exact function.

Could that be used as a template?

I have the unfi controller software running on a VM in my homelab. I have it connected to a simple node/express server that provides monitoring for the controller api.

I can provide more info if anyone is interested, but the code I have is not public and I don’t know if I will publish it.

Any additional thoughts on publishing? I’d really appreciate looking over how you’ve implemented this from a code perspective as I’ve really got no idea what i’m doing but really would love to have this working!

I’m interested in this as well. On my’ to do someday’ list is to investigate if I could run some script on my pi based unifi controller to send data to webcore endpoint.

Hey Jody, I would be interested In learning more. I have a raspberry pi running 24/7 that I could put the monitoring node on.

I posted more to say it is possible and the API is there. I will need to do some clean up to my code to publish it and it’s out of date. It was done as an experiment to use wifi connections for presence detection and be able to turn on/off some clients. If I do publish it, I will do it as an example with documentation.


I use UniFi, and would love to give this a try as well! :slight_smile: