[SmartThings Samsung TV] How can i update internet URL?

Samsung TV Internet app execution was successful using the SmartThings API below.

POST https://api.smartthings.com/v1/devices/{deviceid}/commands

  "commands": [
      "component": "main",
      "capability": "custom.launchapp",
      "command": "launchApp",

But I can’t find how to update the Internet URL.

Is there a way to update internet URL using SmartThings API? (https://www.google.com/)

Hi @Yalu

I’m Alejandro from developer support team

Please, Can you check if you can see the url on the device status request?, If you can see it share with us the response.


This is the current status of my Samsung TV

device status

    "components": {
        "main": {
            "mediaPlayback": {
                "supportedPlaybackCommands": {
                    "value": [
                    "timestamp": "2023-02-27T00:28:29.961Z"
                "playbackStatus": {
                    "value": null
            "samsungvd.supportsPowerOnByOcf": {
                "supportsPowerOnByOcf": {
                    "value": "true",
                    "timestamp": "2023-02-27T00:28:31.593Z"
            "mediaInputSource": {
                "supportedInputSources": {
                    "value": [
                    "timestamp": "2023-02-27T00:28:32.245Z"
                "inputSource": {
                    "value": "digitalTv",
                    "timestamp": "2023-02-27T00:28:29.660Z"
            "switch": {
                "switch": {
                    "value": "off",
                    "timestamp": "2023-03-14T12:03:32.599Z"
            "ocf": {
                "st": {
                    "value": "2023-02-24T07:53:41Z",
                    "timestamp": "2023-02-27T00:28:32.429Z"
                "mndt": {
                    "value": "2020-01-01",
                    "timestamp": "2023-02-27T00:28:32.429Z"
                "mnfv": {
                    "value": "T-NKLAKUC-2303.1",
                    "timestamp": "2023-02-27T00:28:32.429Z"
                "mnhw": {
                    "value": "",
                    "timestamp": "2023-02-27T08:52:11.595Z"
                "di": {
                    "value": "12334860-6ca7-9ab6-a1fe-d4ee2ef30559",
                    "timestamp": "2023-02-27T00:28:32.429Z"
                "mnsl": {
                    "value": null
                "dmv": {
                    "value": "res.1.1.0,sh.1.1.0",
                    "timestamp": "2023-02-27T00:28:32.429Z"
                "n": {
                    "value": "TV 50",
                    "timestamp": "2023-02-27T00:28:32.429Z"
                "mnmo": {
                    "value": "KQ50QT67AFXKR",
                    "timestamp": "2023-02-27T00:28:32.429Z"
                "vid": {
                    "value": "VD-STV_2018_K",
                    "timestamp": "2023-02-27T00:28:32.429Z"
                "mnmn": {
                    "value": "Samsung Electronics",
                    "timestamp": "2023-02-27T00:28:32.429Z"
                "mnml": {
                    "value": null
                "mnpv": {
                    "value": "5.5",
                    "timestamp": "2023-02-27T00:28:32.429Z"
                "mnos": {
                    "value": "Tizen",
                    "timestamp": "2023-02-27T00:28:32.429Z"
                "pi": {
                    "value": "12334860-6ca7-9ab6-a1fe-d4ee2ef30559",
                    "timestamp": "2023-02-27T00:28:32.429Z"
                "icv": {
                    "value": "core.1.1.0",
                    "timestamp": "2023-02-27T00:28:32.429Z"
            "custom.accessibility": {},
            "custom.disabledCapabilities": {
                "disabledCapabilities": {
                    "value": [
                    "timestamp": "2023-02-27T00:28:32.149Z"
            "samsungvd.remoteControl": {},
            "sec.diagnosticsInformation": {
                "logType": {
                    "value": null
                "endpoint": {
                    "value": null
                "minVersion": {
                    "value": null
                "signinPermission": {
                    "value": null
                "setupId": {
                    "value": null
                "protocolType": {
                    "value": null
                "mnId": {
                    "value": null
                "dumpType": {
                    "value": null
            "custom.launchapp": {},
            "samsungvd.firmwareVersion": {
                "firmwareVersion": {
                    "value": "3.4.0",
                    "timestamp": "2023-02-27T00:28:31.960Z"
            "audioVolume": {
                "volume": {
                    "value": 0,
                    "unit": "%",
                    "timestamp": "2023-02-27T00:28:31.770Z"
            "samsungvd.mediaInputSource": {
                "supportedInputSourcesMap": {
                    "value": [
                            "id": "dtv",
                            "name": "TV"
                    "timestamp": "2023-02-27T00:28:29.660Z"
                "inputSource": {
                    "value": "dtv",
                    "timestamp": "2023-02-27T00:28:29.660Z"
            "custom.tvsearch": {},
            "samsungvd.ambient": {},
            "refresh": {},
            "custom.error": {
                "error": {
                    "value": null
            "execute": {
                "data": {
                    "value": null
            "tvChannel": {
                "tvChannel": {
                    "value": "",
                    "timestamp": "2023-03-14T07:47:27.217Z"
                "tvChannelName": {
                    "value": "ambient",
                    "timestamp": "2023-03-14T08:03:36.046Z"
            "custom.picturemode": {
                "pictureMode": {
                    "value": "표준 화면",
                    "timestamp": "2023-02-27T00:28:31.860Z"
                "supportedPictureModes": {
                    "value": [
                        "FILMMAKER MODE",
                        "선명한 화면",
                        "영화 화면",
                        "최적 화면",
                        "표준 화면"
                    "timestamp": "2023-02-27T00:28:31.860Z"
                "supportedPictureModesMap": {
                    "value": [
                            "id": "modeFilmmakerMode",
                            "name": "FILMMAKER MODE"
                            "id": "modeDynamic",
                            "name": "선명한 화면"
                            "id": "modeMovie",
                            "name": "영화 화면"
                            "id": "modeNatural",
                            "name": "최적 화면"
                            "id": "modeStandard",
                            "name": "표준 화면"
                    "timestamp": "2023-02-27T00:28:31.860Z"
            "samsungvd.ambientContent": {
                "supportedAmbientApps": {
                    "value": [],
                    "timestamp": "2023-02-27T00:28:29.961Z"
            "custom.recording": {},
            "samsungvd.ambient18": {},
            "custom.soundmode": {
                "supportedSoundModesMap": {
                    "value": [
                            "id": "modeAdaptive",
                            "name": "AI 사운드"
                            "id": "modeAmplify",
                            "name": "또렷하게 들을 때"
                            "id": "modeStandard",
                            "name": "표준으로 들을 때"
                    "timestamp": "2023-02-27T00:28:31.981Z"
                "soundMode": {
                    "value": "AI 사운드",
                    "timestamp": "2023-02-27T00:28:31.981Z"
                "supportedSoundModes": {
                    "value": [
                        "AI 사운드",
                        "또렷하게 들을 때",
                        "표준으로 들을 때"
                    "timestamp": "2023-02-27T00:28:31.981Z"
            "audioMute": {
                "mute": {
                    "value": "unmuted",
                    "timestamp": "2023-02-27T00:28:31.770Z"
            "mediaTrackControl": {
                "supportedTrackControlCommands": {
                    "value": null

Please let me know if there is a way to update the Internet URL of Samsung TV

Hi @Yalu

We checked this situation with the internal team and, unfortunately, this custom capability (custom.launchapp) and the configuration for each application depend on the integration developer. Also, based on the status response, it seems changing those values through the API isn’t supported because there’s no capability that contains and let us modify that info.


Thank you for the response.