SmartThings Needs an Independent Change Management Process Review Team

Personally, I think there are at least two areas of ITSM that SmartThings urgently need to improve:

  1. SmartThings needs to improve their Release Management to ensure they are focusing on developing the right features with the appropriate priority, and appropriate consultation with their customers. E.g. SmartThings ought not to have released the new LAN Discovery feature without the option to turn it off. Similarly, there should have been more consultation on the recent Color Theme changes.

  2. SmartThings needs to improve their Change Management to ensure that when changes are implemented they are fully tested beforehand (and after), are scheduled appropriately, and have adequate back-out plans and accompanying documentation. We really don’t want a repeat of the recent botched update to the z-wave library (where the wrong code was released) for example!!

It does seem to me that sometimes SmartThings chuck out new features and changes while completely forgetting they have a large community of developers at all. :persevere:

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