SmartThings Multipurpose Sensor availability

I just dusted off my old SmartThings Hub and Multipurpose Sensor. I need to get several more of these sensors but it appears that Samsung is no longer making them. What gives with that?
Where can I get them or is their a replacement?

Aeotec will be releasing rebranded sensors for smartthings in the coming months. You can sign up for their newsletter to be notIfied when hat occurs.

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Is Samsung dropping support for SmartThings?

No, only licensing out the hardware

Thanks jkp. Can you suggest a 3rd party multipurpose sensor and motion sensor that will work with my SmartThings Hub?

I am huge fan of the Fibaro Motion Sensor. I have seven of them in my house across two generations. They are bulletproof and also provide axis, luminance, temperature and shock information. Best of all the are small and spherical so they don’t standout, they blend in nicely.

A couple of links for reference:

Best Buy had listings for the upcoming Aeotec hardware with “out of stock” status for a while, but it’s changed it to "no longer available. Probably just some inventory management thing but annoying since I’ve had the page sitting open waiting to see when I can order a couple for my washer/dryer.

That looks good for a motion sensor. I need 5 multi sensors to monitor door open and closing. What 3rd party device for this works best with ST.

I have tons of ecolink zigbee open/close sensors and they’re terrific. Got them in bulk on eBay. Brand new, in box.

For me, that’s a more complicated answer. I really liked the 3rd gen smartthings multipurpose sensor and use it on interior doors but since that’s no longer available, I tried the Aqara sensor but they just weren’t as reliable as their temp/humidity and lux sensors.

When I replaced my exterior doors, I didn’t want a visible sensor, so I bought Sensative Strips for the top of the door. it’s been faultless and no battery to replace because it uses LiMnO2. My first install of this sensor was five years ago and it still has 50% battery.

For my garage door, I used to use the ST multipurpose sensor, but it wasn’t as reliable as the dedicated Ecolink sensor.

So net-net, there isn’t a good answer on a multipurpose sensor right now until Aeotec can begin to manufacture the ST sensors.