I am able to log in to my Smart things IDE account, but 7-8 times out of 10, when I click on the “my hubs” or “my devices” tab, I am greeted with the message “You don’t have any hubs” or “You don’t have any devices”. Occasionally, I do get my hub and devices show up. I am using Google Chrome on Windows 7. The only thing that shows up consistently, every time is a custom device handler. Is there any fix to this problem?
Try logging in using incognito in Chrome and see if that works. I haven’t seen this issue but when I try to edit devices some times I get the access denied message that that fixes it for me. Also you may want to flush your browser cache now and again.
Are you logging into IDE at https://account.smartthings.com?
No, I am logging in at https://graph.api.smartthings.com/ But, when I click on the " log in" link on that page, I get re-directed to https://account.smartthings.com
Ok, let me restate… login to IDE using https://account.smartthings.com instead of ide.graph because you are most likely being redirected back to the incorrect shard and thus your hub not being found.
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Thank you. That appears to have solved my problem!