You should be able to see what Device Type Handlers your devices were previously using by checking the IDE. As long as you haven’t removed them from the account.
For the zigbee locks, we would need to know the brand and model number to be able to help more.
As far as Hue, while I understand not wanting to spend money you don’t have to, using hue bulbs without a hue bridge runs a very great risk of messing up your Zigbee Network, which is why neither company recommends that. If you are now adding things back in a different order than you added them the first time, they can contribute to your Zigbee problems. More on all of that here:
FAQ: Do I need the Hue Bridge/Hub to Use a Hue Bulb with SmartThings?
But obviously it’s your choice.
As far as resetting hue bulbs without a hue bridge, if you can find someone who has a Hue dimmer switch that you can borrow, that’s the easiest way. You only need to have the dimmer switch long enough to do the reset, so maybe five minutes total per each bulb that you have to reset.
The dimmer switch doesn’t have to have ever talked to the bulbs before and they don’t need to be on the same network: it is able to issue a reset command as long as it is physically close to the bulb.
(If you do an Internet search, you will find some blog articles that tell you you just need the hue app, but that’s for the newer model hue bulbs which also have Bluetooth. If yours are only Zigbee, then you have to use the dimmer switch method.)
Here’s an article that covers all the different methods for the different configurations. You would be using the dimmer switch without a bridge or the app.