Smartthings give me back my dashboard and shortcuts

“Your use case is not my use case.”

Different people have different priorities, different needs, and use the system in different ways. That’s fine. It’s one of the strengths of SmartThings, that it can be used in different ways for different people.

If it’s working well for you, that’s great, but that doesn’t mean that your way is the only way, or the best way, or the “true” way. It just means that the features that are available happened to fit the needs and priorities and aesthetics that you have.

I like to know at a glance if the last person out left the front gate open. It’s not an emergency situation, I don’t need sirens blaring and red lights going on and off. I’m not necessarily going to do anything about it right away. But I do want a persistent “yellow alert” kind of notifier to remind me that the gate is open.

I had that with the previous version of the mobile app. I don’t have it now. You may not need it, but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t valuable to me.

Submitted with respect.