V2 hub, driver change now working Android S10
Using IOS. Had to reinstall the APP. Its now working.
Thank you for the update.
Out of interest @nayelyz, what Sonos subset were giving the issues ?
Sorry, I don’t have more info about this. What I understand from the status page is that it was an issue for some users. Not sure if it was due to the same device…
No problem, there are a few variations on a theme with Sonos, S1, S2 and all the various speakers and controlers in between
Turn OFF developer mode and driver switching works. No more blank screen. Tested with Galaxy S10. Developer mode can be turned on again and then works again. This was my experience.
Try this. Hope it works for someone else too.
A heads up to anyone that was getting the black/white screen displaying when you attempted to ‘Select a different driver’ for a device. It is now working for me. I am using an Android 12 device and my Smartthings Hub is still on Firmware Version 44.9.
Worked for me, Without re-install and without clearing the cache. This resume to work without actually doing nothing.
Hi @nayelyz
I don’t know if it has to do with this version of the Android App,
but with a previous version 1.7.89 it works fine
In the details view, the stock atmospheric pressure is not displayed.
Yes, it is shown in the multiple mosaic and in automation conditions.
It is not shown with the standard presentation not with a custom vid
Also perfectly displayed on smartthings.com
Hi @nayelyz
Is there anything known about why the stock atmospheric pressure is not displayed in the android app?
Sorry for the late response. We have no updates so far. We are looking into this.
Once again, the functionality that prevents device routines from being deleted when changing to another driver has disappeared, for example Z-Wave Device Config Mc, to configure parameters or association groups.
Again all automations are deleted. This is incomprehensible.
What criteria will be used definitively?
I tried uninstalling and re-installing the app in IOS (now: ST App and on Android 10 (now ST and can not change the edge drivers of the devices.
When trying to selsect a driver I follow this instruction
Does anybody else still struggle to select drivers?
Hi. Since the last upgrade for the Smartthings app Android all of my Sonoff ZB mini are showing a false status in the app.
They show are turn on and off but in reality the light is off. I Compare the status in the app and in the IDE GRAPH and it seems a problem with the app. Because in the IDE all is with correct status.
These Sonoff ZB Mini are working in my home some of them for a year ago without any problem since these last upgrade.
I try to reinstall the app, re install the relays but the problem continues.
For example in these picture the light on right top is turn on but in fact is off. Maybe in a few minutes the status turn off for itself and the light still off in reality.
When I execute the command it works perfect.
I appreciate your help because I don’t know what more to do!!
If it only happens to you with the sonoff mini, it may not be a problem with the app and it is a problem with the fact that the switch is now using a stock edge driver instead of a DTH.
In this conversation we talk about the issue and how to solve it using a custom edge driver, zigbee Switch Mc, until smartthings fixes the stock driver
Hola Mariano.
Gracias por la respuesta. Talvez sea más fácil escribir en eapañol que se me da mejor que el inglés.
Ya me he mirado la conversación y es exactamente lo que me pasa.
En mi app del teléfono no me aparece ningún controlador que pueda alterar. Te envio 2 print screen. El primero es lo que aparece y quando presionó en selecionar controlador no me aparece nada.
El Driver ZigBee switch mc ya he visto que tengo que instalarlo.
Gracias por su ayuda.
Gustavo Alves
A terça, 6/12/2022, 09:23, Mariano Colmenarejo via SmartThings Community <notifications@smartthings.discoursemail.com> escreveu:
I will 2nd what Mariano said. Use his zigbee Switch Mc driver. It has worked good for me for many months.
Bueno pues que aquí dejo mi opinión. Simplemente perfecto!!
Desde el mes pasado que tenía este problema. El soporte técnico Smartthings internacional me dirigió al soporte técnico que gerencia Portugal. Y la verdad que la respuesta fue ridícula!! Que si tenía que enviar las informaciones del teléfono um montón de logs, apagar, enchufar… La verdad aquellas ayudas que te hacen perder la paciencia y que ves de caras que no quieren ayudarte y si hacer perder tiempo para nada… Nos queda entonces los fóruns, pero no todos . Y en todas estas buscas por soluciones me encuentro a Mariano que me repondio super rápido con una solución. Definitiva o no es una solución. Funciona perfecto con
el Driver ZigBee Switch MC.
Muchas gracias.
Hola, @Gustavo_Alves! Cuando pase esto donde no estas recibiendo la ayuda necesaria, por favor contactanos a build@smartthings.com. Nosotros podemos checar el issue y ayudarte lo mejor que podamos, puedes mandarnos mensaje en español tambien.
Muchas Gracias por la respuesta.
Y si quando necesite algo ya se con que equipo puedo contar .
Muchas gracias por la respuesta y por la preocupación.
A quarta, 7/12/2022, 16:12, Developer Support Team via SmartThings Community <notifications@smartthings.discoursemail.com> escreveu: