Smartthings and WebCoRE performance question(s)

Sounds like a plan! :sunglasses:

One more thing… With most non-compiled languages, including groovy, the usual best practices is to keep each processing block, in this case a piston, as small as possible. Again, the experts over on the webcore forum can give you more advice and examples specific to webcore, but there have been many times when people have reported in this forum that their code didn’t run because the cloud timed it out or they hit some other “guardrail.“ And usually advice from smartthings engineers was to break it up into smaller pieces. :thinking:

Note that as has been historically typical with smartthings, these guardrails were rarely documented or announced. They were just implemented. Then things stopped working. Then people came to the forum and try to figure out what was going on. :disappointed_relieved:

Of course shifting to customer hosted servers should get rid of this problem for most people, but it is something to be aware of now.

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