just wondering if anyone is using one of these (It is on the works with smarthings list) ZigBee HA Metering Single Load Controller: http://smartenit.com/product/zbmlc15/
I’m hoping to simply wire this up into my existing physical switch and use it to control my lifx lights as a toglge - so instead of killing the power it will toggle the light on off via smartthings.
Surely this is a standard use case for it (even tho lifx is not officially supported).
It says on the works with smartthings list that this device will pair as a smart power outlet. But the description of the product on smartenit says " This load controller smartens any switch.". So can I use it for this use case?
A power outlet is considered a “switch” in this context–you use it to toggle power on and off to whatever is plugged into it, just as a light switch toggles power on and off to the light fixture. So they are equivalent.
Yeah that’s fine. It’s really only to use as a switch. Wife has a habit of turning it off. Killing the smart lights.
So this is a pretty versatile unit by the sounds of it. Can use it as my use case (physical switch toggles the zigbee switch to toggle a smartthings action ) and also can use to control a garage door that it’s wired into (only trigger open/close). If so very cool