SmartApps for automation are no longer available

I found some info about installation flow here.

App installation involves an OAuth process that allows a user to accept any requested permissions. After authorization, an Installed App is created.

So I tried to follow this instruction. I managed to register an Automation App and see it under the ‘/apps’ endpoint.
The CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET were created successfully. When I go to the ‘Website URL’ from the server log, I’m able to log in with my SmartThings account credentials.
On this step the URL in my web browser looks like this:

BUT!!! When I click the ‘Authorize’ button I get a 500 error from SmartThings.

GET /oauth/callback?error=invalid_request&error_description=The+request+is+malformed. 500

What should I get according to docs:

In conclusion, I cannot install my app, because I cannot authorize it. The authorization code cannot be generated through endpoint

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