Smart Life integration (July 2020)

¯_(ツ)_/¯ never seen that, sorry

I’m sorry, I don’t understand the question. :thinking:

I can’t link to Products from Aliexpress on the wiki page

Try asking in the following thread:


I just started using ST yesterday with my SmartLife wifi sockets.

This is what I had to do to get them “working” (still show as offline in ST).

  • In smartlife create a “smart” tap-to-run for your device with on/off selected. Name them without any special characters.
  • Through the ST web GUI, create a virtual switch for your socket/light.
  • Link smartlife in ST , this will import your “smart” tap-to-run automation from smartlife.
  • Delete the two Chinese characters on the end of the name after they have been added.
  • Move everything to a room.
  • Using the ST CLASSIC app create a SmartApp -> Light and Switches -> Smart Light automation using the virutal switch created above to mirror the behavior of your smart life device.

If you use the NEW ST app you cannot select an offline device, they show as grayed out. However, in the classic app you can select offline devices. If you open your new ST app, after adding everything in the old, the automation virtual switch and automation will work (even though it will still say offline for the device).

Hopefully they will allow offline devices in the new app to be selected for auotmations… or fix it so smartlife devices pull properly and show as online.

Edit: Using iOS.

Since the classic app is going away in a few weeks, obviously a new solution is needed.

It appears that the problem is that when the scenes are initially imported they do not yet have a state. The classic app didn’t care about this, but the new V3 app does. This is why once you turn the scenes on ones with the classic app they then work in the V3 app. Because after that they have a state value.

It’s going to be up to Smart Life to fix their integration so that the scenes have an initial value. So if you have these devices, contact the device manufacturer and ask them to fix the integration so it works with the new app. You don’t have to say any more than that: it might just confuse them and since it’s something they can easily test for themselves they shouldn’t need more information than to know that it doesn’t work.

But once the classic app goes away it appears that there isn’t any way for a customer to initialize the state value. So it’s up to the people who wrote the integration.

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I didn’t realize that.

Is it the device itself or the smart life app that needs to be updated for the integration to work?

Edit: I submitted feedback from the smart life app.

Issue Type: Third-party control issues/Account binding and device connection
Integration with new SmartThings V3 app problems. Tap-to-run scenes imported from SmartLife show as offline in the SmartThings V3 app. Please resolve. The old classic SmartThings app will be unavailable in a few weeks. Thank you.

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Neither: it’s the backend cloud to cloud integration where smart life shares its devices and scenes with smartthings.

The classic app will be discontinued on October 14. See the official announcement:

Updates to the SmartThings Platform

Hi, just signed up to post in this topic. I’ve just tried this out ahead of my plans to flash my power strip with tasmota (I’m trying to move it away from IFTTT control for obvious reasons)

For me, like others, the tap to run automations created in the smart life app are shown as offline devices in the new app, which means I can’t control them or add them to automations.
However I’ve added those ‘devices’ to sharptools and found I have control over them there with no extra faff. I haven’t touched anything in the classic app or the ide, no virtual switches (in fact the classic app is already kaput for me, it has shown a network error for a few weeks now).
Hopefully this helps others.

I’ve never used sharptools to do any automation, but I understand it has a rules engine. Going to play with that now.


Sharptools rules engine works a treat. I’ve successfully recreated all my ifttt applets created to control my power strip in sharptools.

(this is my power strip if anyone wants to know)

Cheers all


Forgive the newbie question but how did you link smart life devices to sharptools?

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This is works for me with the device above:

  1. Create a ‘tap-to-run’ scene for each device you want to control in the smart life app. In my case it was each outlet of my power strips. Call them something without any special characters.

  2. Link the smart life service to smartthings using the new app. It might say it failed, but the smart life scenes you created above should show up as devices in smartthings with two Chinese characters added in the name- delete the Chinese characters. They will show as offline so they can’t be used in the app or added to automations.

  3. In smart tools, authorise/reauthorise your smartthings account and make sure you add the devices above. You can use them from the sharptools dashboard and in the sharptools rules engine. And also Tasker if you’ve paid for the sharptools tasker integration.

I have successfully created my ifttt applets in the smart tools rules engine, and replaced my ifttt webhooks/join actions used by tasker with sharp tools actions.
All working fine for now (been 24 hrs since I set it all up). Hopefully the the smart life smartthings integrations continues to be developed but for now I’m happy with this. Hopefully nothing breaks when the classic app is turned off- as mentioned I have the classic app installed but it’s been in a broken state for me for a few weeks, I didn’t use it at all when setting this up.


You can access you “offline” Smart Life devices/scenes using webCore, and build your automations there.

I just heard back from Mirabella. They said they have applied for SmartThings compatibility, and intend this to be a long-term partnership. They’re just waiting on doco before they start promoting. This is really great news, and I’ll definitely be buying more of these lights and plugs to replace several cheap Chinese imports I’m currently using.

I’d love to see another 30% off special like a few weeks ago.

If you use them inside Automations with a Virtual Switch for example, once the Automation is done (needed that the scene from Smart Life is ONLINE), it will work despite the scene is shown as OFFLINE. That is my case for example.

Also from Actiontiles it works always, even the scene is shown as OFFLINE at the beginning before changing the name and getting it to show ONLINE. You just need to add the device in OFFLINE status which is actually a scene from Smart Life as a Tile and just pushing it works every time.


@Paul_Oliver - how do I get Webcore to see them. They don’t show in the webcore app as devices I can expose.

Are you looking in settings > available devices > available devices > select devices by capability > capability group 1-3?

@jkp - Yes I am. I checked every available device. I have decided to ditch Smart Life for now and am trying the new Tuya integration.

In the WebCore device selector my 2 Smartlife bulbs were hidden under capability group 2, refreshable devices

Alguém conseguiria me ajudar a configurar as cenas da Smart LIfe no smartthings?
Eu importei mas todas as cenas ficam com status offline.