So, I just got my ST set up this week, and it’s going somewhat ok I think. I’ve got the hub, a couple of sengled bulbs, a motion sensor and 4 smart outlets.
I think I’m understanding how to integrate things via IFTTT to SmartThings for non native devices (like my epically plugs). Need some assistance though to see if I can do something.
What I’d like to do, is basically say “when I get home (using presence), turn on a light if it’s dark outside”. I can turn lights on and off using presence, but I don’t need the living room lights to turn on at noon. Is this possible? Or do I have one too many requirements?
First, I personally would try to get the plugs to work directly with SmartThings. Admittedly, there is not a solution to do this yet, BUT it looks like it might be possible because there apparently is a cloud api. If the community can get direct communication to ST working this will make setting up automation straight forward and reduce the varying lag times IFTTT tends to have.
As far as IFTTT goes, I’ll let others with more experience offer suggestions.
Back to possibly getting the Smart Life Services to work with ST…
Not to put a community member on the spot, but I’m wondering if this API would allow an ST cloud to cloud integration similar to the TP Link Kasa service. @Gutheinz has developed the TP-Link cloud integration so at the risk of him falling further down the ST rabbit hole, hopefully he can take a look at the Tuya API and chime in on the feasibility.
I took a quick look at IFTTT (I haven’t used it in a while…)…
If you are trying to control the plugs based on ST presence AND the time of day, then you might can create a virtual switch in the ST IDE, and use webcore to set it to to on(or off) based on the ST presence AND the time of day. Then use IFTTT to monitor that ST virtual switch. It sounds like you’ll run at least two IFTTT applets. One IFTTT applet for detecting ST Presence and controlling a plug(s) no matter the time of day, and the other IFTTT applet that detects the virtual switch going on (or off) to control a plug(s).
Edit: @kes601 mentions the same concept, but using the Smart Lighting ST app instead of webcore. That’ll probably keep things simpler than diving into webcore so soon.
You could make a simulated switch in the ide interface and then share that to ifttt. Then set an IFTTT applet that says if switch turned on turn on your smart plug.
Then in the SmartThings app use smart lighting to setup your conditions.
Integration to the Tuya cloud is feasible in SmartThings; however, you would still need the device control instructions (specific to the device). The API provides a framework to send this data; but the manufacturer has to identify the specific instructions.
Get the app “Smart Lighting”. it’s free, it’s easy to setup and it will do exactly what you want to do w/o introducing a billion other steps to get there.
You can just set it up so that the lights come on when you get home only when it’s after sunset. Problem solved.
No need for IFTTT at all. Honestly, if you really want to do some fancy stuff, then I definitely advocate for webCoRE as well. But you don’t need it to do what you’re doing thus far. But eventually if you want to get a bit more complex you’ll want to invest the time to learn it. But for now, Smart Lighting is your easiest answer.
The phone to cloud comms if captured may be useful - if not AES encrypted or you could decrypt. The command structure for the cloud interface is fairly simple. You just need the xml/Json versions of messages and the documented API to figure the final methods.
It can be done using virtual switches and IFTTT, but you’ll need to handle the rules logic in SmartThings for when the virtual switch comes on. That is, you will put all the stacked conditionals over on the SmartThings side so that you can still use a simple IFTTT applet that triggers off of just one virtual switch coming on, deciding when to turn that virtual switch on will be the job of the complex logic in SmartThings.
See the following how to thread (this is a clickable link)
Thanks for the info everyone. I’ve heard of Core, but never figured out what it was or how to use it. Lots of good info here - I will check everything out. Completely new, so I wasn’t sure where to start.
I did get 6 GE z-wave switches in the mail today, so it looks like I’ll be working on installing those soon. I held off on picking up some companion ones until i knew these were coming (was expecting order to be canceled as I bought them after many said OOS)
So far I’m fine with controlling everything from Alexa if needed (don’t really need the integration if I still have voice control). I definitely will be a little more selective going forward though on what I buy. I got 3 pairs of different plugs (total of 6) - so I’m realizing now that the coding could be different on all of them. I’ll at least try to stick with 1 brand to make things easier. Although, I wish there was a way to get Alexa to recognize the plugs as lights. I created a couple groups called “lights”, and added the plugs to them. But when I actually just say “Alexa, turn off the lights” - she doesn’t actually see lights.
Oh well. For being 4 days into this, I’m pretty impressed.
Let me get back to you on these answers. All 6 plugs I have are Life Smart accessible and won’t connect to ST. 2 are epicka and the other 4 are unknown to me. Stupid work computers won’t let me log into the ST community to post, so I’m on my phone. Let me get home, set my computer up and do some real posting. I recently moved, so I’ve got a ton of projects happening, and boxes to unpack - this is part of my reasoning to convert everything to smart when/ where I can
I just acquired a couple of smart plugs that use the SmartLife app. I have built rules and simulated switches on the SmartThings side, and they run the actual plugs via two IFTTT recipes (one for ‘on’, the other for ‘off’). Works well enough, though there is a slight delay - and one rule, which for one of the outlets turns it back on if it reports as off , can occasionally see a delay of up to a minute.
That said, these respond almost instantly to Alexa commands.
So I would be choosy about deploying them. If you need a complex ST automation, get a zwave or zigbee device that runs locally (like the Iris or other Centalite-manufactured smart plug). But if you just need something that responds to voice commands and has no time-critical automation requirements (such as turning an entertainment unit or accent lighting on/off), they are a great deal. Mine were two for $23 delivered.
I currently have the epicka ones set to Living Room Light, and Living Room Light 2 in Smart Life. The devices are not showing in Smart Things, but I can see them through the Alexa app.
In the Alexa app, I have created a group called “Living Room Lights”, and have added both plugs. This allows me to tell Alexa “Turn off living room lights” and that works. Before, I would get verbal feedback that no lights were found (since they are plugs, not actual bulbs)