Singles Day Deals 2022 (11 November)

How about some good news? :sunglasses:

November 11 is “Singles Day,” a huge online shopping holiday in China. Its ostensible purpose is for single people to buy themselves presents, but it’s mostly about lots and lots of discounts, many in the form of games that give coupons, like virtual scratchers, spin the wheel, pop the balloon, etc. and lots of 11 minute flash deals or deals limited to quantities of 11 or 1111. Or even a few items for 11 cents each. So it’s hard to say what specific deal you’ll get, but if you enjoy this kind of bargain hunting, this is the day for it. (Read return policies carefully—this isn’t Amazon shopping. :wink:)

Also remember that not all Tuya home automation devices will work with SmartThings, even if they’re zigbee certified. Tuya uses a lot of proprietary code. That includes all the companies that use rebranded Tuya devices like moes, yagusmart, Zemismart, etc.

Most retailers who sell into China will have something, including:






And of course pretty much every merchant on AliBaba, although I don’t personally shop there.

And if you’d like to read a little more about the holiday from a business perspective:



Belkin WeMo: use code SD22

Also, they aren’t calling out Singles Day, but Meross has slightly higher than usual Amazon coupons on almost everything, like 7% off instead of their usual 6%. There will be a coupon checkbox on the individual product page.

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