I thank you for the answer. My skills on the subject are few, very few, perhaps this is why I struggled to understand. I understood that the only thing missing is a link between Shelly and Smarthings, and that shellys don’t need any changes to do this. If not, then I apologize for the request, I understand that if the devices need to be modified, the company has no interest in doing so.
Shelly does work locally with other hubs…so it is possible… I am just not sure that ST exposes enough LAN connectivity functionality via the Hub to make Shelly devices run locally.
Hi !
One way I found is to flash the shelly with Tasmota and then use them through the Tasmota smartapp.
The Shelly Cloud integration was unreliable and disconnected from time to time.
Basically yes, that’s exactly why Tasmota works like it does - you REPLACE the device’s firmware. A ESP8266 based device with Tasmota is no longer really a (enter device manufacturer here) It’s Tasmota now… (Insert Borg joke about assimilation) Because the first thing you have to do is stop the device from talking to its native back end and use yours instead.
You can run local HTTP calls and listen - (I do this for my Fully tablets with WebCore) but they still have to go to the cloud to be processed. The only way to do that would be for ST to load a DTH that did HTTP or MQTT comms on the hub. (like the SuperLAN Connect module does)
Tasmota worked in the old Groovy way of doing things with Tasmota connect (as @eisenkremer mentions) is basically a MQTT implementation for ESP8266 devices. The new world order way of connecting ESP8266 devices via MQTT to SmartThings is via the Direct Connect method. Docs here: SmartThings Developers | Documentation (samsung.com)
So, in theory, Shelly (or any other ESP8266 based device vendor, Sonoff, etc.) could implement that, or quite honestly someone could implement a Tasmota direct connect Schema device and all of them would work just like they do with Tasmota connect. It’s still not local but does eliminate hops between your device and ST and would be no worse than Tasmota Connect and definitely better than a cloud to cloud double hop. That said, I suspect on a whiteboard back at ST HQ somewhere, that there are plans (Disclaimer: no, I don’t have insider knowledge on that one, just a strong hunch and some analysis of the changes they’re making) to allow MQTT direct connect through a hub in the future.
any one got recent news on Shelly sensors (particularly new DW2) integrating more with ST? Currently only status/ battery shows, not Temp/ Lux/ Vibration/ Tilt…
Given the HT and Flood display Temp from above then I would have thought at least some would carry over.
I have a Shelly 1 with the temperature addon but i cant figure how to get the temp reading on smartthings. The Shelly 1 only shows as a normal switch. Anyone knows how to get the temp? On Groovy Ide i can see temp reading but not on the app…
Did you find the solution?
Not really no…
I’m having the same issue but with the new shelly plus 1 and the add-on connected to a ds18b20 sensor. It is keen for a group of automations to work. Did you find the solution?
Do you have a SmartThings/Aeotec hub, and if so, which model?
The normal integration is cloud to cloud, and does not require a smartthings hub. But if you do have one, there is a community-built integration which exposes more of the capabilities of these devices.
If you don’t have one, get in touch with Shelly support. When this thread was first created, there was no official integration, but there is one now, and it is created and maintained by Shelly.
Thanks. I don’t have an hub, but I will buy one just to be able to have better integration. In the meanwhile, I contacted Shelly, but still without any reply.
In that case, here’s the community discussion. As noted, this will require that you have a smartthings/Aeotec hub.
There are a couple of different edge drivers, depending on the exact Shelly models you want to integrate.
I can confirm that they work perfectly with my shelly1 shelly 1p and shelly 3em (but i don’t use add-on). I recommend it
Thanks. Already bought a v2 Hub so next week I will test the integration of the shelly plus 1+add-on.