Is there any general consensus on whether the new Sonoff mini or Shelly is easier to integrate with SmartThings?
No one has confirmed the Sonoff Mini works with the current Sonoff Basic custom firmware created by erocm1231. However, I’ve read Home Assistant users were able to use the same tasmoto firmware that was written for the Sonoff Basic on the Sonoff Mini. So it has a chance of working. The Shelly 1 is twice the price, but doesn’t require custom firmware to use with Smartthings just a device handler.
This Tasmota device handler would most likely allow you to connect the Sonoff Mini to Smartthings. I just bought 12 minis so I’ll post an update when I get them up and running. They are shipping from China so it will be a few weeks. [RELEASE] Sonoff Tasmota Device Handler
i have flashed both the shelly and the sonoff mini with tasmota and they both work fine.
The are similar size but the choice should be based upon 2 other things (actually 3 thing)
- the connectors - the arrangement of the cabling is different… the switch is either live (shelly) or it is a no voltage switch line… there are pros and cons to each wiring method.
- whether you want the button on the unit and the led on the unit
- if you use a shelly with power monitoring you have extra information in same form factor
Both work and both switch you devices on and off.
I have the shelly inside a socket to control some outside items which need to be able to be controlled but I needed a waterproof box.
The sonoff mini’s ive just bought a load and about to use for lights inside the house (the aeon zwave ones were too expensive - 4x difference for the luxury of running on zwave not wifi!)
If you are using tasmota on the devices its just a case of how you will use them in the end.
Keep us updated when the sonoffs get here!
What are the pros and cons of the live vs volt-free switch wiring?
I’m using a few Fibaro switch modules at the moment (live switching). I expect Shelly live switching makes connecting up 2-way switch circuits easier? eg top and bottom of stairs.
I think live vs no voltage is a choice thing and also can depend on the country you are in.
Personally I dont have a preference, but it might be easier for some sitiuatations for live switching but i’ve found I’ve got both in use and havent really found any issues with either.
I have a two way switch on a zero volt circuit and it works fine. You just need to get your head around the circuit and connections… ie what pair makes the switch turn on and off… what pair provide power to the live feed of the thing you are switching… what happens to the neutrals.
Yeah I suppose you’re right. I looked at some diagrams and yes you just need to isolate and consider the switches a separate circuit don’t you.
Probably worth a note left in each of the switch back boxes to say they’re a low voltage setup and the location of the controller to help anyone in the future who might need to work on it!
Could you provide details of the tasmota firmware you used, the device handler and any other specific config you needed to get the Sonoff Mini working in SmartThings?
I’ve been trying for days, with firmware versions, every device handler I can find and the best I have achieved is SmartThings able to see the device details but not able to turn on/off.
re driver there are several. I think Bett’s is the best out there at the moment (you can find conversations about it in the community)
But I am working with someone who is developing the MQTT connection which I think will be a better implementation because it does a lot more than just tasmota.
I already have it working on a range of different things including a shelly 4pro (which you cant flash with custom f/w; an noone was able to write a good device handler for!).
We’ve also been playing with custom devices on an ESP8266.
Anything that talks MQTT we can connect to it! you then just write a device handler for it.
I flashed a Shelly 1 with Tasmota. After that I installed the Sonoff Tasmota device handler. Unfortunately I was unsuccessful getting it to work on Smartthings. Does anybody have any suggestions/experience?
Best regards,
I found the problem!!! It works
you can explain how it works ?
Hi Maurizio,
I flashed the Shelly with the Tasmota device handler. After flashing, you can connect to the flashed device through the integrated webserver. There you select the Shelly 1.
Then install the device handler on your smartthings:
Just look up the IP address of the shelly and add it (port 80).
Hope this helps.
Hi cweijers,
so are you saying that it is possible to integrate Shelly devices into SmartThings?
There is an official Cloud to Cloud integration from Shelly available in the new SmartThings app.
Yes, with Tasmoto you can connect a Shelly 1 device directly…without the need of a cloud to cloud integration.
Why is it better to flash it with Tasmota and have it connected with a cloud executed DH, than just using the C2C connection? If the internet stops then all stops working in Automations.
Was there any Shelly Cloud issue recently?
Those integrations exist to make it for the users easy enought to just add the devices to ST without any tinkering.