Shelly devices in different locations

Didn’t get any answers on my original post so here’s another one:

I have multiple Shelly devices at my two locations and they’re all under one Shelly Cloud acct.

ST app controls my Samsung heating devices in both locations fine. I setup Shelly devices for first location fine, but as soon as I connect my second locations Shelly devices the first location shows them ALL offline with some delay.

Does ST not understand my Shelly Cloud as a common service? Having two different Shelly Clouds would be a nightmare :disappointed_relieved:

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Did you ask Shelly support? Unless you’re using the matter method, which is only available with some models, Shelly owns and maintains the integration to SmartThings. So they’re the ones who would know how it works. :thinking:


Did not know that, will check with shelly thanks :+1:


@timott Sounds like you’re using the Shelly Linked Service as the way of integrating Shelly into SmartThings, which is of course the logical way to do it.

If you have Gen1 and/or Gen2 Shelly Devices, you could instead install Edge Drivers and control directly from within SmartThings.

I’m guessing, but not sure, but you might have to disconnect the Shelly Linked Service first. SmartThings > Bottom-Right-Menu > Top-Right-Gear > Linked Services.

I ONLY have the Shelly Edge Drivers installed (not the Linked Service) and this method has worked great for me. Of course, I’m still able to use the Shelly Android App and Shelly Web App to control all of my Shelly Devices.

Here’s the link to the Shelly Edge Drivers Post, with the basic instructions for getting the Edge Drivers enrolled and the Devices found.

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I have gen 1-3 devices, do edge drivers work with gen3 devices? I’ll have to check out the drivers thing thank you :+1:

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Hi @timott

You’re welcome!

I’m not sure, it appears there may be some support for “some” Gen3 Shelly Devices in the v1.6 Driver, but I’m not sure which devices.

Probably worth a try!

Keep us posted!

Any recommendations on compatible hubs?

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Are you asking which SmartThings/aeotec hubs support edge drivers?

The two current ones are the Aeotec V3 or the station from Samsung.

The station is newer, but is a stripped down version and doesn’t have zwave at all. I don’t know if that matters to you. Both hubs support Wi-Fi, Zigbee, thread, and matter. Aeotec Smart Home Hub, Works as a SmartThings Hub, Z-Wave, Zigbee, Matter Gateway, Compatible with Alexa, Google Assistant, WiFi : Tools & Home Improvement