Shelly and Smartthings integration


I bought a Shelly PM Gen 3. This device doesn’t have a relay so it just measures consumption, no switch. And it is exactly what I wanted.

I was between this and one of those DIN Switch that you can place on your Electrical cabinet, but I went with this one… Since I see some chatter here in the Forum about Shelly and I’ve seen Shelly in the Smartthings Partners when you try to add a device I thought I should have no problem setting this device in Smartthings and probably other users have Shellys on their setup…

I started by trying to see if Smartthings would find it on its own, it didn’t so I created a Shelly Account, setup the device, I can see consumption, etc. it’s working. However, after linking the Shelly account to Smartthings it says I don’t have any devices (also mentioned that if I don’t add any devices in the next 30 days the accounts will be unlinked).

Does anyone have successfully linked any Power Metering device on Smartthings? Do I need to do anything else?

Would like to know how have other ppl set it up.


The following is the link for Edge Drivers for Shelly Gen 1 & 2 devices. I don’t know of any drivers for Gen 3. The developer who wrote these is no longer active in this forum.

Hi @Paul_Oliver, thanks for pointing me to that thread. I will try to see if that driver works. So far I installed it but couldn’t find the device while scanning for it. I’ll wait and see if someone replies there.


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