I want to give a shout out and support to @joshua_lyon at SharpTools. A few months ago, there was an unannounced change on the SmartThings platform that affected the ’stays’ function in SharpTools Rules (eg. device stays off, stays inactive, etc). The issue relates to how SmartThings reports timestamps on events. Josh has worked hard to implement a change on the SharpTools side to accommodate this.
I am not affiliated with SharpTools and I do not have any financial incentive for posting this message. I just feel Josh’s support of his customers deserves credit and mention here. If you don’t use SharpTools, please consider it. It fills many gaps that SmartThings falls short on.
Thanks so much @Nezmo! Really appreciate the kind words and shout-out.
You’ve always been great at providing detailed bug reports and feedback which makes troubleshooting so much easier. This particular issue was a bit tricky to work through, but I’m glad we were able to get the change in place as it should be a nice improvement for other SharpTools users too! Thanks for being patient while we worked through the fix!
Josh and SharpTools are great. He’s helped me with several issues over the years. I started using SharpTools when it was first introduced as an Android app years ago.