Sengled light strips keep disconnecting

I have 3 singled light strips with 2 sets a little less then 2 years old & the other 1 about a year old. They are under my cabinets & I have them turning on & off through smart lighting every night. Last few weeks or maybe a little more they are not really working. The app will tell me they are on but they aren’t. Each 1 will disconnect every few days & say off line. They are in my kitchen & the hub is in my livingroom but they keep looping to my iris smart plug downstairs… light strip…iris smart plug … home hub. If I reset them or u plu for a minute like I just did to 1 set it loops right to the hub. They are zigbee also. Any help would be appreciated. Are these just cheap light strips that dont last? Or is this an issue with Samsung?

I’m also wondering if this could be a firmware issue. I googled the current firmware for the light strips but couldn’t find anything & am thinking should i buy a sengled hub to see if their is a firmware upgrade? I dont know if smartthings updates these light strips. @JDRoberts could I get your thoughts on what I should do. I emailed sengled but really have no clue what the issue is.

@Brad_ST is this something you can check on your end. Last night the app had the lights on but they weren’t. Thank you.