Security System Integration

Does anyone know if there is a way to control an existing security system with the SmartThings HUB/App? Would like like to turn on/off the alarm panel from the App. They are trying to sell me another system/upgrade but want one app.

Depends on many things, in particular The exact brand of the system that you have. In general, the higher quality and more expensive security system that you have the less likely that it will be possible to control it from smartthings.

But then, if you have a more expensive security system, it is unlikely that you would be satisfied with a cloud-based controller anyway.

Some people have been doing some integration with Simplisafe. See the following topic

There are a few people who moved into houses where there were existing hardwired systems without an active Control Panel and achieved some minimal integration, so you can also search the forums for other specific brand names.

Thanks for the info. The system has a DSC logo on it. Will search around for more info. With all of the sensors installed I’d rather keep all these and use SmartThings HUB for other sensors and the App. Sounds like these types of systems are separate.