Screen mirror to TV from old phone

I wish to screen mirror from an old Samsung S6 mobile to a newish Samsung smart tv. I just updated the phone software as far as it will go i.e. Android 7.0. If I try to install ‘Smart things’ the installation states that it is not possible to install on the phone. If that is actually true, maybe because the phone is too out of date, is there a work around? I also have an old Samsung Tab-S which I could use too but the same appears with that too.

Screen Mirroring does not require SmartThings. Screen Share aka SmartView is built in to your phone. Just engage it while making sure your TV has it enabled too.

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App now requires Android 11 and up. No workaround except to find an older version APK and side install but this may still not work and, if it does, will likely have reduced/absent functionality.

From the google app store: