
Hey guys. I am currently a SimpliSafe customer for my home security. Extremely happy with their 24/7 Central Monitoring and Smoke/CO devices. Extremely unhappy with their integration or lack thereof. I have been looking for a new 24/7 central monitoring alarm options that can tie either into SmartThings or IFTTT. My goal is to automatically arm/disarm my alarm, and possibly leverage the same hardware for my alarm and home automation options.

Well, Scout Alarm ( might be that option soon. They recently announced IFTTT integration, and now they are going to be working with SmartThings to integrate the two systems. Their sales staff says its very early in the partnership, but it will be providing the self service security notification services. (they charge $9.99 for their self service notifications)I believe this is what one of the CES announcements was about and Scout Sales told me, ST customers WILL NOT need the Scout hub for this service. I am not interested in this service, as I am more interested in their 24/7 central monitoring service which is $19.99 ($5.00 cheaper than SimpliSafe). I hope one day the integration between Scout and SmartThings is completely 2 way, but it SOUNDS like from their sales staff, it will just be reading status from ST to provide notifications at this point. IFTTT is a good option though for now. The one thing holding me back now is Scout does not have a Smoke/CO - Central Monitoring option with the Fire Department yet, but they promised later this year this is coming. They are also working with Nest to join their Works with Nest program.

That’s still expensive. EyezOn offers EnvizAlarm 24/7 central monitoring service for only $8.99 per month or $8.50 if you sign up for 3 years.

EyezOn, in conjunction with our monitoring partners, provides reliable Full IP
alarm monitoring 24-hours a day, 7-days a week, 365-days a year at unbeatable rates as low as $8.50/month through your existing EnvisaLink 2DS or EnvisaLink 3 module.

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Thanks. Looking for a more polished solution though, not one I have to build from pieces.

It would be quite a stretch to call SmartThings and IFTTT a “polished solution”. On a reliability scale it’s not much higher than a pigeon post. :slight_smile:

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Agreed there. I was referring to more Simplisafe and Scout. The alarm system I choose needs to be more polished.

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