Samsung UK "Smart Thing Trial" and Tribulations

I have been chosen as one of the lucky few to trial the SmartThings hub here in the UK and I received my hub in the post yesterday. I’m looking forward to testing it thoroughly over the weekend but one thing I was eagerly wanting to try straight out of the box was the IFTTT integration.

Unfortunately the OAuth problem mentioned above has stopped that. I agree with Dean - perhaps it would have been better to delay the trial until issues like this were resolved? Just because as it stands it feels as though there’s not a huge deal I can do (my home contains very little integrable things e.g. Philips Hue, Sonus etc…

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Shouldn’t the chosen lucky few trial the product before it is made widely available?

I’ve had mine for a few weeks now, I’m a bit disappointed that they launched it before it was ready for market.

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I was really hoping deep down that the ‘trial’ participants might actually be testing the full package (eg OAuth was fixed for a select few and they would get to test the working setup ahead of a larger roll out to rest of us that bought our place on the trial at full RRP)… gutted to hear you are also in the same boat @Hilly_2015

Absolutely pointless trial at this point imo… i suppose it will at least ready the returns departments for the influx of paying customers who give up on it too :joy:


Don’t forget the SmartThings Trial being run by The Insiders is not a beta/pre-release trial that some may be familiar with. The purpose of this trial is Word of Mouth (WoM) and is primarily designed to use normal people to market the product using all modes of communication (physically by mouth, social networking etc). The more people on-board the wider the spread marketing and hopefully an increase in sales.

Just picked up my Insiders package. Time to get busy!

EDIT: Invalid claim code. sigh
EDIT EDIT: My fault. Support fixed in under 10 minutes


Well back from a four day trip to Stuttgart and… Nothing so far.

A week into deliveries no email from UPS and nothing from theinsiders since the “packs are on their way” one last Thursday

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Well, it looks as thought you may have been top of that list after all. :grinning:

Same here - Nothing.

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Nothing for me either - they suggested emailing them for more info but that seemed to disappear into a black hole…

So just spotted this buried down in the “give reactions” bit of one of theinsiders blog posts…

"15/10 - 16:36

Those who haven’t received their parcel, send us an email ( and we will help you further. The UPS delivery lists will be sent to us as soon as possible. "

I have emailed them just now and also “given a reaction” to their “reaction”, obviously at this point my real “reaction” isn’t suitable for posting in their blog :wink:

Note to self- if I ever start up a word of mouth marketing company… ensure I don’t repeatedly cause frustration over a period of weeks to the people I want to say nice things about my clients products, especially before I have even got the test package to them… (actually I work in software design and delivery… at this tage theinsiders feel more like an outsourced software house than a marketing company :stuck_out_tongue: )


This is the address I emailed yesterday, not holding out much hope for a speedy reply…

Email sent and reaction posted.

The silence is deafening.

Lets see what happens.

As someone who lives in central London (so would expect a speedy delivery) I still haven’t had a UPS email or a reply to my insider’s email either.

For a word of mouth campaign it brings to mind words that Samsung wouldn’t want me to let issue from my mouth!

I just had a response to my email; they have provided me with the tracking number and I have just been and collected the package. It looks like it has been waiting for me all along but without an email from UPS i never knew it was there.

Ho Humm…


Yay… Just done the same apparently it’s been ten minutes walk from my house since Monday… So not only a trial of Smart things but seemingly a trial of UPS’s tracking numbers by telepathy service :wink:


Picking mine up in Bletchley and there are two more for MK7 and LU7 … If that’s you check your collection location if it’s Voltz in Bletchley its there for you

oh man… Despite that, I want to thank you guys for sharing this with us here. It lets us know what’s really happening on our side.

Cheers, guys, and glad you got your packages.

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@April and @Aaron Thank you both for getting involved so quickly, really did impress me about ST as an organisation.

And to end how we started…

Faith is now very happy

And so is Poppy


Poppy approved … and licked :stuck_out_tongue: … now you definitely can’t return it! :grimacing:


Shhhh… They’ll never now :wink:

you can try to return the kit, but we are going to have to take the dog with it… if its not in the TOS already, I am going to add it in!